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Thread 'The Ultimate Guide To Progressive Overload and Muscle Growth'
“Progressive overload” has been one of the core principles on resistance training to build muscle. I remember being taught about it in college 25 years ago and reading about it in the late, great Dr. Fred Hatfield’s must-read training bible, Hardcore Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach. The term refers to gradually adding weight (or reps at the same weight) on an exercise as you are getting stronger. Progressive overload is nothing new. But despite the fact that it’s almost as old as...
Thread 'Forged in Fire: SEALs to CEOs – Building Grit, Resilience, and Peak Performance'
Navy SEALs have long been revered for the commitment to excellence that they bring to their craft. These elite warriors push themselves to the absolute limit, both physically and mentally, operating in some of the world’s most demanding environments. But what happens when they transition from the battlefield to the boardroom? We sat down with DJ Shipley and Cole Fackler, co-founders of GBRS Group, a leading tactical training company, to learn how their experiences in the SEAL Teams have...
Thread 'Use The Priming Training Method To Maximize Performance'
When it comes to maximizing your performance in the gym, there’s a strategy that can take your training to the next level: priming. Priming involves super setting activation drills and explosive movements before your main lifts, tapping into the powerful concept of Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP). What is Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) is a physiological phenomenon where the force exerted by a muscle is temporarily enhanced following a previous...
Thread 'Medical Experts Explain What May Be Causing Your ‘Popping’ Joints'
Sometimes, our bodies produce sounds that catch us off guard, leaving us wondering if we should be concerned or simply shrug it off. Knees and elbows, in particular, seem to have a knack for making themselves heard, leading many of us to question whether these popping joints are a sign of trouble. To get to the bottom of it, we spoke with Dr. Lauren Lynass, a physical therapist, and sport medicine specialist Dr. Christopher J. Visco to understand what might be causing these noises, whether...
Thread 'Why Standing Overhead Triceps Extensions are Arnold Approved'
There’s a reason that Arnold Schwarzenegger lifted seven Mr Olympia titles and that’s because he trained as smart as he did hard. And, as this rare glimpse from the shoot of Pumping Iron shows, the Australian Oak was really onto something with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s standing overhead triceps extensions, here’s why. Abs and Core Exercises Arnold Reps Roman Chair Situps in Retro 'Pump... Students of sweat still find inspiration form the classic film almost 50 years on. Read article...
Thread 'Workouts for Each Phase of Your Menstrual Cycle'
Calling all women: Do you ever notice how sometimes during the month you are absolutely crushing your workouts in the gym, but then other weeks, you can barely get out of bed to even make it to the gym? Did you know that a lot of your endurance, energy, motivation, and strength can be affected by your monthly menstrual cycle? The monthly menstrual cycle consists of four different phases: menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. Most days of the month, you may...
Thread '4 Week Kettlebell Transformation Workout'
Whether you’re aiming to build muscle, burn fat, or improve overall fitness, kettlebells are designed to deliver a dynamic approach to full-body strength and conditioning. This 4 week kettlebell transformation workout utilizes a single piece of equipment that allows you to streamline your training and focus on efficiency, progress, and results. With this 4-week progressive kettlebell workout, you’ll experience a structured plan that balances strength and hypertrophy with conditioning and...
Thread 'Heart Health Finasteride'
Hair loss drug finasteride may also help reduce heart disease risk Share on PinterestThe drug finasteride used for hair loss and prostate treatments may also help lower heart disease risk. NICK VEASEY/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images Researchers say the hair loss drug finasteride may also help cut down risk of heart disease. They say it lowers the risk by helping to reduce cholesterol levels. Experts note that the potential side effects of the drug treatment make more research...
Thread 'Contrast Set Training: The Hidden Key to Muscle Growth'
What many people don’t realize about hypertrophy is that it’s basically isolated conditioning, supplemented by higher caloric intake to make muscles grow. In most movements in the gym, muscles often benefit from increasing work capacity and overall cumulative volume, to ultimately fully fatigue a muscle by the end of a 60 minute session. And truth be told, under that umbrella, there are many ways to skin a cat and that one less popular method that’s worth its weight in gold is the use of...
Thread 'How and Why You Should Add Reverse Nordic Curls to Your Legday Workout'
The quadriceps are one of the largest muscle groups on your body, and almost every compound, lower body movement is going to involve them to some degree. From big lifts like a squat or deadlift pattern, assistance exercises like a lunge or leg press, or even “glute-focused” patterns like thrusts or stepups involve the quads. If two joints are involved, it’s virtually impossible to rule them out of play and this is where the Reverse Nordic Curl come in.. That’s why it’s actually important...
Thread 'UFC Sean O'Malley raided by SWAT'
Sean O'Malley shared on 'Timbo Sugarshow' the hard time he had while being detained for more than half an hour and having guns pointed at him No one in this world is exempt from being on the end of tasteless jokes, and in the case of UFC fighter Sean O'Malley the case is no different. The company's bantamweight champion is one of the biggest superstars out there today, so his fame continues to grow every day to the point where people are investigating where he lives, with a rather...
Thread 'Heart Health Finasteride'
Hair loss drug finasteride may also help reduce heart disease risk Share on PinterestThe drug finasteride used for hair loss and prostate treatments may also help lower heart disease risk. NICK VEASEY/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images Researchers say the hair loss drug finasteride may also help cut down risk of heart disease. They say it lowers the risk by helping to reduce cholesterol levels. Experts note that the potential side effects of the drug treatment make more research...
Thread 'What are Groups?'
https://www.jackedfreaks.com/groups/ Short answer they allow you to have your own community in KF or join others that exist. Groups allow you to be the admin, appoint moderatos, invite members. Create your own forum categories, resource and media section, events etc. With a group you can allow anyone to join and see, or have it closed only invited members or even PRIVATE so it doesn't even show at all except for invited members and staff. This is a perfect way of discussing items there...
Thread 'Human Growth Shortage'
Tenacious lack of development chemical disappoints guardians and clinicians Winston Corridor, 9, needs development chemical to oversee side effects of Prader-Willi disorder, a hereditary condition. He was sent home from school due to behavioral issues because of a lack of the medication. Bridget Bennett for NPR Dr. Jennifer Miller has written dozens of studies over the past two decades about rare endocrine diseases. She treats hundreds of patients who travel to Gainesville, Florida, from...
Thread 'GearPros Fall Sale 2024'
GEARPRO'S FALL SALE! - (Hurry -End's SEPTEMBER 31st) -------------- 5 NEW PRODUCTS! ------------ #1: NEW HIGHER DOSE HGH - 120iu HGH KITS! #2: PRILIGY - Last longer in bed! #3: CUTS BLEND 300 (Propionate, Trenbolone, & Masteron) The Classic Cutting Stack! #4: SEMAGLUTIDE - Shed bodyfat fast! #5: NEW HIGHER DOSED PRIMOBOLAN - 200mg/ml - This is the smoothest and best Primo made! ------------ CHECK OUT THESE 3 AWESOME SEPTEMBER DEALS: -------------- --------------------All deals may be...
Thread 'Best Supplements For MMA: Increase Your Fighting Performance And Recovery'
Back your demanding mixed martial arts training with smart supplementation. Brad Borland presents six supplements that can aid performance and training recovery. You look at your opponent across the ring. His eyes are glaring, piercing and ready for battle. He is ready to pummel, crush and dominate you with speed, accuracy, power and endurance. Did you plan everything right? Was it enough? Training, nutrition, supplements – did you do what you needed to do to be the last man standing. Many...


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