All Muscle Morsels - Advanced Human Performance Official Website | Home of Dr. Joel & Joshua Seedman

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The Ultimate New Year's Resolution Checklist
Mon, 02 Jan 2023 05:00:00 UTC
Here are 21 New Year’s resolution goals that all advanced lifters, athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and general populations should apply to their training in the new year. These will take your performance, physique, strength, size, and health to the next level. ...

20 Signs Your Lifting Form Sucks
Mon, 01 Nov 2021 19:33:00 UTC
Proper lifting technique and body mechanics are essential for long-term joint health, performance, and physique improvements. With that said, here are 20 tell-tale indications you can use to determine whether or not your form is due for an overhaul.  ...

Why Everyone Can & Should Squat the Same: 101 Truths
Fri, 01 Oct 2021 14:13:00 UTC
Everyone squats the same regardless of individual differences and joint anthropometrics. A proper squat involves 90 degree joint angles and is most easily obtained by using eccentric isometrics with perfect posture and body alignment. Here are 101 truths everyone should know. ...

The Truth About Yoga, Flexibility, & Mobility Training
Mon, 20 Sep 2021 04:00:00 UTC
The fitness industry has lied to us one too many times. This article highlights the truth about yoga, flexibility training, mobility drills, & “range of motion” topics, supported by deep scientific research, observational data, & experiential findings. ...

A Case For Exercise Variety: 21 Reasons
Sun, 14 Mar 2021 05:56:00 UTC
When it comes to maximizing your strength, size, and performance, a low to moderate level of exercise variety is critical for maintaining progress and avoiding training stagnation. Here’s everything you need to know about exercise variety. ...

The 30 Day No-Warmup Sprint Experiment
Mon, 01 Feb 2021 05:04:00 UTC
Can you sprint without warming up?? This is something humans have been able to do for centuries up until the last few decades. Unfortunately the fitness industry has ruined people’s bodies and contributed to us losing this practical human skill. Full Experiment here!! ...

Stop Doing Sissy Squats: 12 Superior Alternatives
Mon, 09 Nov 2020 05:17:22 UTC
The sissy squat has recently gained quite a bit of popularity in mainstream fitness and bodybuilding. Unfortunately it’s not only an inferior quad and thigh builder that lacks proper muscle stimulation, it destroys the knees. Here are 12 superior alternatives to sissy squats. ...

25 Best Functional Presses for Athletes & Bodybuilders
Mon, 26 Oct 2020 01:14:49 UTC
When it comes to utilizing functional presses for athletes and bodybuilders, sometimes we need to look past the traditional barbell and dumbbell chest press. Here are 25 of the best functional presses for athletic performance that also build functional strength & size. ...

25 Rotational Exercises for Athletic Performance
Mon, 05 Oct 2020 05:26:16 UTC
Although mastering the big 7 with eccentric isometrics is paramount when it comes to mastering movement and muscle function, periodically including rotational training can be very effective particularly for athletes. Here are my 25 go-to rotational exercises. ...

Stop Neglecting Your Abductor and Adductor Muscles
Mon, 21 Sep 2020 23:27:00 UTC
The abductor and adductor muscles are incredibly important for hip function and joint health. Unfortunately they’re commonly neglected. Here’s how to properly train them for maximal performance, muscle function, and joint health. ...

Overcoming Isometrics for Strength, Size, & Performance
Mon, 24 Aug 2020 17:57:00 UTC
Research has shown that overcoming isometrics are one of the most effective techniques for increasing motor unit recruitment & post activation potentiation. Combining eccentric isometrics with overcoming isometrics produces even greater gains in strength, size, & performance. ...

Eyes-Closed Training for Strength, Performance, & Function
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 04:06:00 UTC
Eyes-closed training is something I frequently incorporate with all of my clients and athletes. That’s because it improves movement mechanics and muscle function due to enhanced proprioceptive feedback from the muscles. Here’s how. ...

30 Loaded Carry Drills For Strength, Size, & Performance
Mon, 06 Jul 2020 21:55:00 UTC
Loaded carries are some of the most simple yet effective strength training movements you can perform for building functional strength and size throughout the body. Here are my top 30 favorite variations along with 10 tips to help master any loaded carry or farmer’s walk. ...

25 Tips to Maximize Your Bodyweight and Home Workouts
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 05:55:42 UTC
Bodyweight training is the new rage. Unfortunately most folks end up going about their quarantine and home bodyweight workouts in a very ineffective way thereby sacrificing their gym gains. Here are 25 key tips you should implement immediately. ...

Pullups & Pulldowns: The Right & Wrong Way
Mon, 23 Mar 2020 06:18:44 UTC
Pullups are one of the most effective staples in any training program. Unfortunately most lifters including advanced bodybuilders and “expert” strength coaches perform them incorrectly thereby negating the benefits. Here’s how to do them. ...

Bodyweight Eccentric Overload For Strength, Size, & Power
Fri, 10 Jan 2020 02:22:00 UTC
Bodyweight exercises are some of the most natural feeling movements we can perform. Here’s how to apply eccentric overload to your favorite bodyweight movements such as pushups, dips, pullups, & rows, to maximize strength, size, & performance. ...

Stretching & Flexibility Training: A Better Alternative
Sun, 05 Jan 2020 00:11:26 UTC
Stretching and flexibility training has been a controversial topic for decades in the strength and conditioning industry. Here’s everything you need to know to safely optimize your flexibility, mobility, and ROM using eccentric isometric protocols. ...

Build A Massive Back With This Seated Row Technique
Sat, 28 Dec 2019 07:31:00 UTC
Are you looking for a unique yet potent mass builder for your entire back (upper, middle, and low back musculature)? If the answer is yes then you’ll want to try this modified drop set on the seated row station.    ...

Massive Chest Growth With Anti-Fly Chest Presses
Sun, 08 Dec 2019 08:09:00 UTC
When it comes to building massive pectorals it’s tough to beat the basics such as barbell presses, dumbbell presses, weighted pushups, dips and chest flyes.  Unfortunately none of these variations fully maximize the functions of the pectoral muscle fibers. ...

Functional Arm Training for Size & Performance
Mon, 11 Nov 2019 02:54:21 UTC
Fitting upper body isolation exercises into your training routine can be tricky particularly when you’re looking to emphasize larger compound movements in your lifting program. Here are my favorite ways to crush your arms while saving time and improving functional performance. ...
