Body Building Nutrition

Body Building Nutrition 2024-09-07

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Hi,Ivan Nikolov here This e-book is to fill out a large gap in the field of applied fitness and bodybuilding nutrition. There are many web sites and even e-books and reports out there, which make partial attempt to touch upon this exceptionally large topic. Some of them stop at the basics, others go a bit further.In the end, however, you are left somewhere in the middle with numbers, rules and suggestions you don’t even know what to do with.I am far from making a claim that this booklet is a complete course. It is not. However, it will give you a firm base, on which you can create your own meal plan. This plan will be based entirely on your own body specifics, goals and needs.In case you stumble upon any errors or inaccuracies, please keep in mind that I am a human just like you, and I am not insured against such things happening. My education continues even as I’m writing this booklet.With that said I will leave you with the rest of the read while I remain in sincere hope that you are going to find it valuable.
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