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Greatest Hits - Writers Best 2019-01-06

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Pop psychologists, health club "instructors" and weight loss "experts" have sold you on setting little goals for 12 week programs and big goals for up to a year or more. This is all well and good, because mid range and long term goals are important, but it’s also a sin because this has led most people into believing it’s not even possible to get breathtaking results in a 30 day period…

Here are the facts: The FIRST 30 days on a properly designed training program, supported by physiologically and hormonally correct nutrition, can produce MORE astonishing gains than a 90 day or even a 12 month program which is improperly designed! In fact, over-training and under-nutrition for an extended period can chew up muscle like a school of starving piranhas.

It can also make you FATTER… and the longer you keep doing it wrong, the fatter you get and the more muscle you lose! The longer you stay on any program, the slower your results will get! This is the physiological law of adaptation, and every exercise scientist in the world will tell you this is true. You always get the greatest growth spurt when you start a new training program, as long as it has been effectively designed to work with your body, not against it.
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