Whether you have a resolution to improve your work performance, nail that interview for a new job, or a impress everyone at a big meeting , a new study has shown why you should make the time to put some vigorous physical exercise into your overall prep. The effects of working out before work...
“Weekend Warriors” are often labelled as not being fully committed to a healthier lifestyle, but there are, of course, a myriad reasons as to why people find themselves exercising only a couple of times per week. Bogged down by work stresses or family pressures, or both, many individuals would...
The phrase “workout like your life depends on it” has never been more apt if the results of a new study are anything to go by. Science suggests that women who regularly participate in resistance training such as lifting weights, or even aerobic activity such as brisk walking are adding years to...
Despite what you see in your social media feeds of dramatic fat loss results, training and eating for fat loss is hard. Like really hard. Ronnie Coleman said that everyone wants to get big, but no one wants to lift heavy weights. Something similar could be said for fat loss. Everybody wants to...
A recent study has found that nearly half of Americans sit for too many hours a day and don’t get any exercise at all, as it appears the USA is turning into a sedentary couch potato nation.
Over 5,900 American adults were surveyed, and the findings showed that nearly 26% sat for more than 8...
Physical activity as a longevity drug | More is better
The best longevity drug we know is exercise, websites like ours have been telling you for years. This comparison is not entirely correct. After all, a drug has an optimal dosage. If you take more than this optimal amount, the positive...
As we move past age 40, we often reflect on the physical activity we undertook in our younger days and start to look ahead, wondering if there will be a point at which we should hang up the gym bag, or the running shoes, as we head into our half-century and beyond. In order to protect our hearts...
Many of us are looking to maximize our daily activity and caloric output. However, there’s only so much exercise one can realistically and healthfully fit into a day. But there are other ways to keep our metabolism humming like non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT).
People with office based, sedentary lifestyles will likely be aware that being active in our leisure time is essential for maintaining good health, but those with more physical occupations may feel that a hard day of manual labor is all the exercise they need. Not so, according to a new study...
Whether you’re new to walking or just looking for an easy way to reach your weight-loss goals, you’ve likely heard the advice you should aim for 10,000 steps a day. For most people, this translates to roughly 5 miles (depending on things like height and walking gait). It’s a nice, round number...
It should no longer come as breaking news when a new study supports what we’ve already known: Staying active promotes better longer-term health and reduces disease.
The latest proof of the benefits of exercise comes from a recent study in the UK that discovered that not only those who engage in...