
  1. 01dragonslayer

    More Protein Equals More Muscle

    More Protein Equals More Muscle Study shows that you need more post-workout protein than you thought. Traditional muscle science – the kind studied by pasty-faced guys in lab coats – has long insisted that 20 to 25 grams of post-workout protein is the amount you need to cause maximum...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Anabolic Steroid Cycles of Pro Bodybuilders

    Anabolic Steroid Cycles of Pro Bodybuilders Let’s face it; today’s professional BB’rs are light years ahead of the typical steroid user when it comes to physique development. For most aspiring BB’rs, their efforts in the gym are more likely to be rewarded with a level of musculature on par with...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Femara (Letrozole) Explained

    Femara (Letrozole) There are two entirely different stories to be found on the aromatase inhibitor letrozole. In medical studies measuring blood estradiol and testosterone levels of hundreds of individuals, letrozole is a very consistent-performing drug with almost no unusual behavior. The...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Progression 101: 8 Ways To Keep Making Consistent Gains

    Let’s get straight to the point. To gain muscle and strength you have to have a plan. That plan must include two important ingredients – because without them, your progress in the gym won’t exist. You must utilize the big, multi-joint compound movements. These are the exercises that activate...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Progression 101: 8 Ways To Keep Making Consistent Gains

    Let’s get straight to the point. To gain muscle and strength you have to have a plan. That plan must include two important ingredients – because without them, your progress in the gym won’t exist. You must utilize the big, multi-joint compound movements. These are the exercises that activate...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    How Much Protein Should I Ingest Post-Workout?

    Old School Belief For a long time there was this idea that 30 grams was the perfect amount to consume after a workout because anything over that was wasted. But a few years ago some nerd in a lab coat told us 25 was the maximum effective amount (I can say this because I am a nerd with a lab...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    How Much Protein Should I Ingest Post-Workout?

    Old School Belief For a long time there was this idea that 30 grams was the perfect amount to consume after a workout because anything over that was wasted. But a few years ago some nerd in a lab coat told us 25 was the maximum effective amount (I can say this because I am a nerd with a lab...