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    How to Perform Banded Shoulder Rotations

    When it comes to building shoulder mass, overhead presses and lateral raises are the staple moves of many workout routines. Although these traditional exercises are excellent at building strength and creating the coveted ‘capped’ shoulders, banded shoulder rotations hold their own (and then...
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    The Banded Supine Hamstring Stretch For Better Squatting Depth

    Recently joining a beginners class in Olympic Weightlifting, I was eager to improve my posture and form after years of feeling like my lifts were lethargic and anything but textbook. At 6’ 4”, I often struggle with maintaining proper form and achieving efficient weightlifting movements. I’m not...
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    This Curl Variation Will Stretch Your Biceps To New Lengths

    Ahh, the biceps. Have there been a more written, spoken, and trained muscle group than the biceps? The biceps curl is a right-of-passage exercise for all gym rookies. You wander over to the dumbbell rack, grab a pair, and bust out rep after rep till your biceps bust apart you shirt sleeves...