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    3 Ways Mobility Training Leads To Better Athletic Performance

    Mobility training is the utilization and the ability to actively move a joint (where two bones meet) before being restricted by surrounding tissues (ligaments, tendons, muscles). Examples of mobile joints include ankles, hips, thoracic spine, and shoulders. Performance refers to how effectively...
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    If You’re Playing Basketball, Here’s Why You need to Strength Train

    If you have ever watched a basketball pickup game or a college or NBA game, it is easy to marvel at the players’ athleticism as they jump out of the gym and change direction at the drop of a hat. Some with blessed genetics can do this, and some can do it at a high level, but I will most...
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    7 Healthy Foods that Will Help You Eat Better for Less

    If you’ve been experiencing more pain at the supermarket checkout counter you’re not alone. Food prices for everything from cereal to eggs to meat have been on the upswing with another average 2.9% hike expected for 2024, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Will it ever end? No...
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    Understanding the Link Between Physical Exercise and Improved Mental Health

    The past few years have taken a toll on the mental health of millions around the world. Whether it’s dealing with pandemic fallout or fears of a recession, stress and anxiety seem especially high these days. With that increase in worry, individuals are searching for help. People spend millions...
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    Through Small Gains, Dr. Myron Rolle Is Helping Others Change Their Game

    Only a very select group of individuals can talk about the similarities between football and brain surgery from a participant’s point of view—Dr. Myron Rolle is one of those experts. As a former Florida State defensive back and now a noted neurosurgeon, Rolle has excelled in both, and through...
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    Master The Deadbug by Fixing These 4 Mistakes

    The first time I saw the deadbug performed live by noted performance coach Eric Cressey, it blew my little strength and conditioning mind. How can such a seemly simple exercise in which you lie on your back and move your arms and legs have such an impact? The magic lies in this necessity called...
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    These 4 Mistakes May Be Halting Your Back Gains When It Comes to Rows

    If you’ve been around the lifting game for a while, you have heard the term, “you need to row to grow.” Rowing, whether a vertical or horizontal pull, helps build a thick upper back, giving you that much-desired wingspan. But vanity is not all the back is good for because a strong and muscular...
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    Five Exercises You May Want to Avoid—and Swap with These Alternatives

    Just because an exercise seems to have been around forever and has been performed by some of the old-school legends, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a perfect fit for your overall routine. For some people, certain exercises aren’t worth the risk of injury or the minimal amount of gains you may...
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    Olympia Judge Breaks Down Why Hadi Choopan Won the Mr. Olympia

    There was little argument about Hadi Choopan winning the 2022 Mr. Olympia title, but fans may be curious what was it exactly that put the Iranian over the top against the former Olympia 212 Champion Derek Lunsford. Terrick El Guindy is an IFBB Pro League judge, and he is the host of both Prime...
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    Do Breakfast the Fit (and Flavorful) Way with These Ingredient Alternatives

    Not trying to throw shade at cereal, we’ve all enjoyed a big ole’ bowl with nice, cold milk but there are quicker and better breakfast options. Remember those bowls with built-in straws so you could sip the sugar-filled milk that the cereal created? I do. It might have done your tastebuds good...
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    Mastering These 4 Mobility Moves will Lead to Better Movement And Strength

    Did the chicken or the egg come first? Who cares? Both chicken and the egg are delicious—and you’re wondering what this has to do with mobility exercises. Stay with me for a moment. In the fitness universe, “experts” have often debated which exercise quality is more important to train...
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    The Easy Way to Reduce Respiratory Issues and Breathe Better

    by Matt Weik Not being able to breathe easily can be quite a scary situation. The shallow breaths and wheezing when you’re feeling under the weather can shake people to their core. And while this article is not meant to treat or diagnose any disease, there are a few things you can do to help...
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    EZ Bar Vs Straight Bar Curl: Which is Better For Building Biceps?

    EZ Bar vs Straight Bar Curl Before determining which exercise is better, we have to understand what the biceps do. The biceps have 2 main functions. The one most people remember and acknowledge is the flexing/pulling of the forearm. But the other function of the biceps is to help supinate the...
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    25 Workout Tips For Over 40 Lifters

    Father Time catches up to everyone. Even the best of us can only avoid his presence so long. It is a fact of life that as people age, their health and general lifestyle depreciate. The joints weaken, the muscle mass melts away, and the bones become brittle. For most people, blowing 40 candles...
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    Lat Pulldowns vs. Pull Ups: Which Builds A Wider Back?

    The age-old debate of whether lat pulldowns or pull ups are superior for maximum back development has been going on for quite a while. With the new invasion of the functional philosophy quickly gaining its proverbial ground over the last few years, it would seem it is an easy choice. Of course...
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    What is Actually Required for Success?

    What is Actually Required for Success? written by JAMES CLEAR MINIMALISM SELF-IMPROVEMENT STRENGTH TRAINING For over one year, I trained with the great folks at Columbus Weightlifting. One of our lifters, Heather, joined the team and didn’t have a pair of weightlifting shoes. So, she borrowed a...
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    4 Shoulder Strategies Doomed To Fail

    Google "shoulder training mistakes," and the search engine will spit out articles featuring advise like "Don't use bad form," "Move a full range of motion," and "Never go too heavy." Well...duh! You won't find that kind of overgeneralized silliness here. This is advice by lifters, for lifters...
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    The Tips and Gear You’ll Need to Go Take a Hike — Safely and Effectively

    If you’re looking to get in better shape or simply wanting to find another activity for your active rest days, look no further than the dirt path. Hiking builds lower-body strength, activates your core, improves cardiovascular fitness, stabilizes joints, improves balance, and encourages positive...
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    Johnny Bananas Offers His ‘Celebrity Sleepover’ Nutrition Tips

    MTV’s The Challenge legend and Celebrity Sleepover host, Johnny ‘Bananas’ Devenanzio recently opened up with Muscle & Fitness on his pet hates of the gym. After having seeing the extreme sports fan cooking up a storm over on Instagram, we felt urge to pick his brain once again, this time digging...
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    How to Help Your Partner Eat Healthier

    According to studies, marriage brings not only a happy life but also extra weight. The first five years of marriage are especially tough, as both spouses may gain up to 30 pounds. So it’s not surprising why some people wonder how to motivate their loved ones to start watching what they eat...