
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Increase Your Bench Press By 30% In 5 Minutes

    Oh, do I have your attention now? Sorry to disappoint, but I do not have another great supplement or magic pill that will help you to increase your strength right away. Instead, I want to focus on the 30-40% of output all of us are wasting because we are simply not activating all fibers when...
  2. J

    Your Pullup Primer: 3 Ways to Enhance Your Pullup

    Westend61 / Getty The Move: The Basic Pullup Where It Hits: Lats, biceps, rhomboids When to Do It: Anytime during your back workout How Much to Do: 3 to 4 sets to failure [RELATED1] Start Position Hanging from a pullup bar, shoulder blades relaxed. l Grab a pullup bar with a...