Three-time Mr Olympia winner Frank Zane built one of the most beloved physique’s in the late 1970s, but in a recent social media post has explained once again why he feels that excessive bulking is ultimately unproductive. Here’s Zane’s advice for replicating his success.
“Bulking up means...
The process of building muscle isn't just about sets, reps, consistency and progressive overload. To pack on lean mass you also need a bulking diet that delivers. Moving iron without moving a fork is like running uphill in the mud. You might get to the top eventually, but it's going to take a...
As a bodybuilder you must know about bulking. It is a key aspect of being a good bodybuilder.
What Is Bulking? Steps, Diet, and More
Bulking is a term commonly thrown around by bodybuilders.
It generally refers to a progressive increase in the number of calories consumed beyond your body’s...
Is winter the “bulking up” season, or have you just gained fat over the holidays and thrown in the towel on staying lean? Bulking up during the winter isn’t the trend anymore. Bodybuilders are getting better educated about ongoing research on gaining lean muscle mass adequately, without...
The pumpkin obsession in America is really just a thinly-veiled attempt for big food companies to sell us “seasonality” in the form of the same sugary foods with a little pumpkin-spice flavoring added to the mix. It’s a marketing gimmick. And it works. Most of those pumpkin-flavored things are...