
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Cardio-Free Fat Burning Workout Program

    Want to get shredded but hate tedious cardio? Ditch it and do this program instead! It utilizes several strategies to burn fat far away from the cardio deck! WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Lose Fat Workout Type Full Body Training Level Intermediate Program Duration3 weeks Days Per Week 4 Time Per...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Does Fasted Cardio Really Work?

    Jim Stoppani explains high intensity cardio and why fasted cardio doesn’t really work Cardio is the bane of many people’s existence. Some love, many hate it – but unfortunately it’s an extremely important part of staying healthy. In the bodybuilding world, cardio is even more reviled as it can...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    6 Best Fat Burning Workouts: Burn Your Fat with These Moves

    These are the best fat burning workouts to take your shred to a completely new level. Diet is key to a healthy, lean body composition. It’s only by controlling energy balance that you trigger the changes needed by your body to use stored fat as fuel. The problem with relying on diet alone...
  4. V

    The More Fit You Become, The More Fat You Can Burn, New Research Says

    Losing unwanted body fat can be a challenging process, but recent studies led by the Centre for Nutrition, Exercise & Metabolism (CNEM), at the University of Bath in the UK, have some encouraging news. In a recently published report, findings suggest that as you get fitter, your body burns more...
  5. J

    Athletes Foot Treatment & Preventative Measures: We’ve Got Your Feet Covered

    Virojt Changyencham / Getty What is Athlete's Foot? Before you can attempt an athlete’s foot cure, you have to know what it is that’s causing you discomfort. Chances are, you’ve had athlete’s foot since this fungal infection afflicts 70 percent of the population at some point in their lives...