Men’s Physique competitor Jackson Peos is not only an IFBB Pro bodybuilder, but he also has a PhD in Sports Nutrition. Fortunately, the man with both brains and brawn took to Instagram recently to share his “Carb Loading Cheat Sheet,” and class was welcomely in session.
Okay, so before we get...
In the realm of Body Building, the role of carbohydrates has long been a subject of debate. Once, they were regarded as the "enemy" by some, who were worried that excessive carbohydrate intake would lead to weight gain and fat accumulation, thus affecting fitness results. However, with a deeper...
Let me be straight with you, if I had the exact answer for how to calculate the perfect macros for your goals I wouldn’t be writing this article.
I would have cashed in on my genius, made millions, and be drinking gin and tonics (diet tonic of course, gotta watch my figure) on a yacht in the...
The ketogenic diet is a diet that capitalizes on a very interesting aspect of human physiology, namely ketosis.
Ketosis is a metabolic state that occurs when we consume carbohydrates in such low quantities fatty acid oxidation becomes the main source of fuel.
When fatty acid oxidation reaches...
Carbohydrates are controversial among people trying to lose weight. Because individual carbohydrate needs aren’t one-size-fits-all, we’ve put together an informational guide to help you optimize your carbohydrate consumption and choose healthier options, whether you’re trying to lose weight...
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One of the great things about spring is that you can once again begin finding great produce at your local farmer’s market and grocery stores.
Whether you're trying to bulk up or get lean, we're going to be using that to our advantage in this nutrition guide. There will...