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    Researchers Found Rinsing Your Mouth With This Can Improve Your Workout

    Those who are constantly looking for ways to improve their lifting game will be interested to learn of a recently published study that has determined rinsing the mouth with a carbohydrate solution prior to resistance exercise could provide a boost to your gym regime. Here’s what you need to...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Six Pack Abs And Diet: What The Heck Do You Eat?

    Listen up! If you want to get lean and have those abs pop, you must reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet. When sugar is in the program, it stops the ability to release stored fat for energy. If you read part one of this series you may recall the body can only process 3-6 grams of simple...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    How To Maximize Nutrition And Reach Your Fat Loss Goals

    Don't just eat - eat right! Learn how to optimize protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats and even your water intake to maximize fat loss and health. Making dietary changes to promote weight loss can seem overwhelming at first, but once you learn some basics, you will be well on your way to an...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The 10 Commandments of Muscle Building Nutrition!

    Muscle building nutrition is not rocket science; it just requires some basic knowledge, discipline and consistency. You need to eat a good healthy diet every day to get the results you desire. Nutrition is often overlooked by some weight trainers, but the fact is, if you don't have a good muscle...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    The 10 Commandments of Muscle Building Nutrition!

    Muscle building nutrition is not rocket science; it just requires some basic knowledge, discipline and consistency. You need to eat a good healthy diet every day to get the results you desire. Nutrition is often overlooked by some weight trainers, but the fact is, if you don't have a good muscle...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Carbohydrate Supplements: Uses For Muscle Growth, Recovery & Performance

    Carbohydrates have gotten somewhat of a bad reputation. Low carb and ketogenic diets have gained a lot of popularity in recent years. The popularity of these diets have caused many to shy away from carbs altogether. While most bodybuilders come equipped with truckloads of protein powder and...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics

    Basics of Bodybuilding Nutrition By Jim Atilson Some subjects are too confusing and harder to understand, such as; Math, Chemistry, Biology, and in the case of bodybuilding, Nutrition. There is more to bodybuilding and building muscle than just lifting weights. A very important part of the...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    5 Signs You Need to Eat More Carbs

    Today’s diet trends, particularly keto, have led to skepticism about carbs — and cutting back on everything from bread to bananas. But is swapping your morning oatmeal and afternoon apple for eggs and avocado really the best way to support your overall health and maintain a healthy weight? The...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Guide to Carbohydrates

    Carbohydrates are controversial among people trying to lose weight. Because individual carbohydrate needs aren’t one-size-fits-all, we’ve put together an informational guide to help you optimize your carbohydrate consumption and choose healthier options, whether you’re trying to lose weight...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Smart Carb Swaps From Breakfast to Dinner

    I’ve been that athlete sitting quietly on the sidelines eating whole-grain sourdough toast with almond butter while the nutrition world chatters about low-carb diets — and I’m not afraid to admit it. After years of working with athletes to design recipes and menus to fuel their sport at every...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics

    If you are into bodybuilding than you owe it to yourself to at learn the very basics of bodybuilding nutrition. Bodybuilding is not just about lifting weight! Learn the basics of how to feed your muscle and you will excel in the sport of bodybuilding. The following article should be a big help...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    The Bodybuilding Diet Explained

    The Bodybuilding Diet Explained By Janos Kovacs Many people tend to glorify the term 'bodybuilding', associating it with the muscle-bound competitive bodybuilders that you so often see on television. The truth, however, is that the term 'bodybuilding' has a much simpler and less extravagant...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Carbs for bodybuilding

    Carbohydrates are a very important part of your diet especially if you are a bodybuilder. That is why we need to know what carbs are. Read on! [/URL] What Are Carbohydrates (Bodybuilding Nutrition) By Gerald J. Riches If you're about to embark on a new health and fitness plan, it's imperative...
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    Diet Dilemma: The Truth About Eating Carbs and Getting Shredded

    There are only three macronutrients, yet one of them continues to befuddle nearly everyone. You know which one: To carb or not to carb, that is the question. Depending on who you ask, carbohydrates are either a fantastic energy source or the macro most responsible for making us fat. A must-have...