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    Vitamin C Really Does Reduce the Severity of a Cold Says Science

    Finding time to exercise is difficult enough for most of us in today’s hectic world, so any supplement that we can take to avoid missing too many sessions due to illness has got to be seen as a huge plus. Fortunately, a recent study has highlighted the importance of vitamin C as relates to the...
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    Fix Your Farmer’s Carry By Eliminating These 3 Common Mistakes

    The farmer’s carry seems simple, at least watching someone else do it, but when you pick up a heavyweight and start walking, you quickly realize how hard it is. Your shoulders ache, your grip starts slipping, and you begin to realize that you maybe making, what be one of many, farmer carry...
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    Flye to Greater Gains By Eliminating These 4 Dumbbell Chest Flye Mistakes

    The bench press and its variations still remain the go-to exercises to build size and strength in the chest. But don’t discount the dumbbell chest flye and all its pec-pumping versions. The beauty of this exercise is that it takes much the triceps out of the move so you can focus on the chest...
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    Improve Your Kettlebell Swing by fixing These 4 Common Mistakes

    The kettlebell swing is a ballistic hip hinge exercise that strengthens your backside and grip and will increase your heart rate in a joint-friendly fashion. The kettlebell swing is a fundamental move based on which many other kettlebell moves, including the snatch, clean, and clean & press...
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    Recover at Home Safer and Smarter with These Tips from Cord DeMoss

    If you’re an athlete, chances are you’ve encountered an injury or two. Whether it be a simple, two-day bout of severe DOMS or a full-blown hamstring tear, chances are, you’ve had to recover at home. The stress that floods in after a twisted ankle or tweaked muscle is normal, but there is no...