Cortisol is necessary for bodybuilding, but too much at the wrong time can put the brakes on your gains. Here's how to take charge of it.
One of the functions of cortisol is to maintain a stable blood sugar level – cortisol increases it when it's too low. One way of minimizing...
Ever wondered why all those hours in the gym is failing to bring you results? Well it’s probably got something to do with Cortisol and after reading this article you should have an understanding of exactly what this hormone does and what you can do to minimise its negative effects.
What is...
When it comes to your weight and fitness goals, maybe you’re crushing it in the kitchen and the gym. Your macros are a thing of beauty, your cardio and strength mix is consistent and individualized — but when it comes to results, you’re not getting the traction you want. What gives?
There could...
Pumping iron not only inflates your muscles, but also your mood, and with it comes a host of other benefits confirming that exercise is medicine. So, grab a pair of dumbbells and lift your way to better brain health. (We aren’t forgetting about cardio, either!)
Here, our expert explains how EIM...