With the dark and cold months upon us, I figured it might a good time to write a quick piece on the subject of depression, or seasonal affective disorder and how training and diet might be helpful in overcoming those illnesses. As someone who has battled with mild, and not so mild depression...
Looking good is nice, but going from being overweight or obese toward a normal weight does more than help you fit into those jeans — you may actually reduce a number of significant health risks, too.
The condition most associated with excess body weight is Type 2 diabetes, but there are a...
Petri Oeschge / Getty
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a nasal spray with esketamine to help treat depression. The first major depression drug approved by the FDA since Prozac in 1987, the spray is manufactured by Johnson & Johnson under the brand name Spravato. The drug...