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    Use The Priming Training Method To Maximize Performance

    When it comes to maximizing your performance in the gym, there’s a strategy that can take your training to the next level: priming. Priming involves super setting activation drills and explosive movements before your main lifts, tapping into the powerful concept of Post-Activation Potentiation...
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    Try These Power Training Tips for Developing Total-Body Explosiveness

    The word “power” as it relates to training has been thrown around so much that I believe most people have lost or conflated its meaning. Because of this, lifters everywhere make many disastrous mistakes when power training. The first order of business is to define “power.” Once you know what...
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    3 EMOM Workouts To Keep You Summer Ready

    A common myth surrounding fitness is that you need a long time to work out, which often leads to the ultimate excuse that I don’t have the time. If you believe in that myth, be prepared to get it busted because you don’t need much time, but you do need to bring the heat. When you haven’t the...
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    Contrast Training For More Strength And Power

    As a strength coach who works with high level athletes and an educator who trains the trainers - I'm always being asked what I think is the biggest mistake trainers, athletes and exercise enthusiasts make in the gym. My answer is always "most don't train the CNS". You see - there are actually...
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    Rugby Star James Haskell Talks Explosive Power

    James Haskell was one of rugby’s most feared players during an incredible 17-year, top-flight career that includes appearances in England, New Zealand, France, and Japan. And while it is true to say that “Hask” has never been shy of sharing a controversial opinion or making headlines off the...