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    Study Shows Using Partial and Full Reps Is a Winning Combination

    There’s no getting around it, the best way to stimulate the muscle into adapting, and growing bigger, is to load that muscle towards failure so that it comes back stronger. Still, there’s only so many reps that one can make before it’s time to hit the shower. Or is there? A new study suggests...
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    Dr Meghan Santa Barbara’s 5 Training Tips For Max Progress

    Dr Meghan Santa Barbara is not just an IFBB Pro, but is also a nutrition consultant and bodybuilding prep coach. As such, she informs her almost 80,000 Instagram followers with a mixture of hard-earned gym knowledge along with the science to back it up. Recently, the popular PT took to social...
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    Are You Training Hard Enough (or Hard at all)? Here Are Some Ways to Tell

    Are you training or just working out? Chances are you’re not the best when it comes to assessing your own training intensity. It’s not a factor that should be brushed aside. Training intensity can be a big deal considering the most important factor for maximizing strength and lean muscle gain...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    HIT3 Training: 8 Week Intense Muscle-Building Program

    Looking for a new muscle-building challenge? This 8-week high-intensity training methodology pushes you to failure, not once but three times, for the ultimate pump. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Advanced Program Duration8 weeks Days Per Week 3 Time Per...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    HIT Workout - Build Muscle With This High Intensity Training Routine

    HIT training is unlike any muscle building approach you've ever tried. Workouts are brisk, intense, focusing on moderate volume, training to failure and recovery. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Full Body Training Level Beginner Program Duration6 weeks Days Per Week 3 Time...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Muscle Size, Shape & Definition Workout

    This advanced workout routine is a 5-day split - Two Days On, 1 Day Off, Two Days On, 1 Day Off. It is aimed at muscle size, definition and tone. WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Advanced Program Duration10 weeks Days Per Week 5 Time Per Workout30-45...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Max Muscle Growth Techniques for Upper Body (Plus 3 Sample Workouts)

    Many years ago I invented a little quote that expresses my basic philosophy when it comes to how one should approach their training if he/she truly desires to make significant progress: “If you want your muscles to grow, you cannot simply ‘whisper’ at that them – rather, you must SCREAM!” In...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Should you exercise to failure?

    Exercise to Failure for Muscle Growth - Fact or Fiction By Donovan Baldwin What is exercise to failure? Well, most simply, it's doing repetitions, often multiple sets, until you can't do any more. The muscle fails to perform. That's pretty straightforward, but, is it true? Yes and no...
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    HIIT 100s: Carve Up a Chiseled Physique in 6 Weeks

    James Michelfelder / M+F Magazine If we had a dollar for every well-intentioned person who’s centered his or her fat-burning efforts around low- to moderate-intensity cardio sessions, we could make Fort Knox our summer retreat. This “I’m trying to lose weight, so I’m just doing cardio” attitude...