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    Chong Xie: Bringing Innovative Fascia Training to New York

    Chong Xie, founder of Hyperarch Fascia Training, has been making waves in the fitness industry with his innovative approach to training the body’s connective tissue. Based in New York, Chong is driven by a passion for understanding the human body and helping people achieve their athletic goals...
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    Sponsored: Muscles are the Fascia’s Bitch

    Ashley Black Muscles can bring an unmatched presence in the room that speaks volumes. And when it comes to the biological makeup of muscles, it can be challenging to learn, from understanding the intricacies of the layers to figuring out how to best build muscle. But no matter how impressive...
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    New Research Rethinks The Best Use For a Foam Roller

    Chances are, foam rolling is already a part of your health and fitness regimen, especially if your goal is to prevent injuries. The hurt-so-good, tension-relieving gadget has gained steam over recent years, and rightfully so since it provides the same benefits—without the high price tag—as...