Are you working hard but still not getting any bigger? Here are 5 secrets to gains that even fitness professionals aren't willing to share.
There’s a secret code in our DNA that's hardwired into all of us. We all want gains.
Ok, I made that up, there isn’t a secret code in your DNA. Here’s what...
Jim Stoppani explains high intensity cardio and why fasted cardio doesn’t really work
Cardio is the bane of many people’s existence. Some love, many hate it – but unfortunately it’s an extremely important part of staying healthy. In the bodybuilding world, cardio is even more reviled as it can...
Whether your goal is fat loss or fitness, cardio is a great tool.
There’s a clear link between cardio levels and health, and a well-functioning aerobic system helps to reduce fatigue and even reduce your risk of life-threatening disease.
The problem is though, understanding cardio can be...
Iammotos / Shutterstock
A lot of people swear by fasted cardio—that is, running on a treadmill or hopping on an exercise bike before eating anything. Some say this burns fat faster, though the science on that is inconclusive. But what about getting your strength workout in before eating? Could...