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    3 Best Unilateral Exercises to Strengthen The Barbell Deadlift

    There are not many more satisfying things in the gym than pulling a heavy barbell deadlift from the floor. It’s you versus the barbell, and you win. The regular barbell deadlift is not the greatest exercise to build muscle due to a lack of eccentric contraction, but it sets the table for muscle...
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    Why The Unilateral Dumbbell Floor Press will Maximize Your Pressing Strength

    The barbell bench and overhead press are the gold standards for pressing strength and adding size, but when it comes to unilateral training, a necessary but sometimes undertilized training method, the barbell may not be the most ideal option and that’s where the unilateral dumbbell floor press...
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    Try this 10-Minute Floor and Wall-Based Workout from Grace Albin

    As a gymnast and high school cheerleader, Grace Albin fell in love with choreography and working out in a group setting. These days, she is able to share that passion with her fitness clients and more than 330,000 Instagram followers. Albin shows that in order to blast your whole body, you can...
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    Heavy Weight Training is an Important Element for New (and Expecting) Moms

    Becoming a mother requires lots of lifting, and I’m not talking about dumbbells. From carrying your children, groceries, car seats, strollers, and a baby bump when pregnant, being a mom calls for a strong body. In past years, expectant mothers have been given the instructions to take a load off...
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    Try Unilateral Training for Regaining Your Core Strength Post-Pregnancy

    It’s tempting to hit the gym running when getting the “all-clear” from your doctor to start performing postpartum exercises. And if only it was that easy. During pregnancy, the body undergoes massive changes as it makes room for carrying a baby, causing muscles, ligaments, and tendons to stretch...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    7 Things You Must Do To Build A Bigger Chest

    Floor presses, flyes with a twist, and the pump! Maik Weidenbach presents you with seven unique chest building tips that aren't centered around the bench press. One of the things every bodybuilder strives to obtain is a big chest. Ideally, as Vince Gironda put it, "it should be shaped liked the...
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    Here’s Why You Should Be Adding Deficit Deadlifts to Your Workout

    You’re reading this because you love to deadlift. You love the challenge of stepping over the bar and gripping and ripping heavy weight from the floor. When lifting heavier weights, little technical hitches can appear that are covered up while you’re working with submaximal weights. And the...
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    The Barbell Floor Press May Be the Best Move You’re Not Doing

    Some lifters go into full panic mode when every flat bench is occupied on Bench Press Monday. However, the savvy lifter never worries because there is plenty of space on the floor. Because there’s no reason to fret or lose your temper when you’ve got the best press you’re not doing, the barbell...
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    Try this Soldier-Athlete Full-Body Blast Workout from Erik Bartell

    Personal trainer and Army veteran Erik Bartell’s training style blends high-intensity with full-body functional strength and conditioning. If you haven’t tried one of his Live Classes each Tuesday and Thursday mornings on the M&F Instagram page, you’ll understand what he means after completing...
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    ASK ANDY: ‘Is There Such a Thing as a Grueling Leg Workout for Runners?’

    It’s “marathon season,” with hundreds of thousands of my fellow fitness fanatics running marathon races in Chicago, Boston, New York, and many other places around the globe. I love questions regarding a leg workout for runners, because it implies that the asker already understands the truth...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    10 Classic Stereotypes You'll See In Every Gym

    The gym at peak hours can be an interesting place full of...interesting people. If you are a regular at the gym, you are bound to run into one or more of these types of people that make the gym an interesting and occasionally distracting place. They are not just in your gym, they are in every...
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    Torch Calories and Get Stronger with Erik Bartell’s 30-Minute Floor Workout

    Going to a gym is awesome. No one is going to dispute that. Having a home gym with a decent amount of equipment is great too, but let’s be clear. It’s not necessary to have a great workout. As a matter of fact, all you need for this 30-minute floor workout is a pair of dumbbells and a floor...
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    Military Monday: This Workout Will Advance Your Abs to the Next Level

    Mediocre core workouts produce mediocre core strength and abdominal development. What defines a “mediocre” core workout? Some situps, some crunches, maybe a basic plank, then calling it a day could be considered less than an all-out workout. Those guys you see doing the “human flag” — they’re...
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    5 Moves That Kate Upton Swears by for a Stronger Body

    Between her modeling career, her adorable daughter, and a pro-baseball- playing husband, with whom she travels, Kate Upton is B-U-S-Y. Fitting in exercise became simpler once she enlisted celeb trainer Ben Bruno to create quick, easy-to-follow workouts she could do anywhere. When Kate saw just...
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    The Pain-Free Chest Exercise Your Workout Needs

    Steve Smith / M+F Magazine We have little doubt that you’ve done a set (or a hundred) of dumbbell flyes before and have probably heard of the floor press, too. Both are basic chest moves. The former is meant to stretch your muscle fibers and exhaust the pecs, while the latter move limits your...