Cheese is rich and creamy, and that is the reason most of us love the stuff. So much so, that the average American guy consumes nearly 42 pounds of the dairy product each year, an amount that has been inching upwards in recent years. Sliced, shredded, melted, crumbled, or baked, we can’t get...
Making sure that you don’t overdo your caloric intake is simple math, but sticking to the plan is a real challenge. Feelings of hunger are not easy to ignore, but what is the difference between genuine hunger and cravings? Nutritionist Alan Aragon has the answer and shares three ways to win your...
In a fantasy world, we’d all have time to prepare and cook our meals from scratch, seven days a week, eating in pure bliss. But in reality, life is busy when you factor in work and training commitments, let alone hours of Insta scrolling, leaving you with little time—and absolutely no energy—to...
Ultra-high processed foods may be convenient, but they are crushing your gains and heading you towards osteoarthritis, according to a new study presented by the Radiological Society of North America. Here’s what you need to know.
The first-of-its-kind body imaging study, designed to find out...
For athletes and bodybuilders everywhere, the day would not be complete without a delicious serving of dairy, but with so many factors to consider, including the bad rap that milk, cheese, and butter gets for potentially raising out cholesterol levels, is dairy really the devil when it comes to...
The measure of a healthy diet has long been up for debate, but the old staple of following a specific calorie intake, or making sure that you eat the right ratio of proteins, fats, and carbs, should also be joined by a consideration of how much of the food that you eat is pro-inflammatory and...
Anyone who is on a journey to lose weight or become healthier knows that gaining positive results requires us to drop some of the foods and beverages that we love the most. That’s why diet sodas and sugar-substituted snacks are so appealing, but for some time this group of products has been...
If you look in your supplement cabinet one bottle you may not see is copper. Although it’s an important mineral for the body, it doesn’t tend to make the headlines as often as zinc, iron, and magnesium.
As an active female, copper plays a vital role in many bodily functions, and when the body...
A new comprehensive meta-analysis of health outcomes for those who eat ultra-processed foods (UPF’s) has provided the strongest link yet between consumption and a long list of harmful health effects, making grim reading for fast food fans.
The review, using data from almost 10 million people...
Unless you’ve been living and pumping iron in an off-grid cave, you have likely noticed that interest in the human microbiome has blossomed in recent years. Modern nutrition discourse is saturated with attention devoted to the microbes that populate our guts. The reason for the heightened...
If you are focused on supporting your muscle growth, feeling satisfied after eating a meal, maintaining stronger bones and powering up your immune health, then protein needs to be a part of your plate. In a nutshell, eating adequate amounts of protein is critical when it comes to supporting your...
Feeling sleepy after chowing down on a juicy burger and fries is expected. Same with a plate packed with Thanksgiving Day foods. But if you’re experiencing a food coma regularly— especially if you’re eating clean—you may be wondering what the cause could be.
Postprandial somnolence, the medical...
It may not come as a surprise that 12.9 million Americans follow the keto diet each year. As of 2024, keto lovers across the globe contributed to a whopping 27 million keto hashtags on Instagram, making this high-fat, low-carb diet a household name.
If you or anyone you know has tried living...
In the past, we categorized carbohydrates as either simple or complex, based on how quickly they metabolized and affected blood sugar levels. Simple carbs caused rapid spikes, while complex ones were slower to digest. However, today, we have adopted a more precise metric known as the glycemic...
If you’ve been experiencing more pain at the supermarket checkout counter you’re not alone. Food prices for everything from cereal to eggs to meat have been on the upswing with another average 2.9% hike expected for 2024, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Will it ever end? No...
Dedicated weightlifters are serious about their supplements. And while most supplement stashes contain protein powder, branch chain amino acids, creatine, and select vitamins, there seems to be one much-needed supplement (or mineral) missing from many gym bags: Magnesium.
The often-missed...
It’s no secret healthy eating and exercise do a body good. From fighting disease to boosting energy, those who practice a health-centered lifestyle reap many benefits within the blue zone area.
However, there are certain diets and lifestyles that may prove themselves more effective than others...
Come Friday evening, after a week of clean eating and exercise, many look to take a break from the norm and loosen up their diets (and belts) a bit. Then Monday rolls around and with it brings tighter pants and rising numbers on the scale. Somehow, Friday snacking turned into three days of...
There are three basic macronutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrate. They are all some combination of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with protein also containing nitrogen. The particular molecular construction of each accounts for how it functions in the body. For example, caloric content...
Cracking the Soy Code: Is this Plant Protein Healthy or Not?
Touted as a superhero and denounced as a villain, soy remains at the center of ongoing controversy. Although soybeans may have been grown in China as early as 9,000 B.C. and soy foods are a staple of diets throughout Asian countries...