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    How to Choose the Right Intermittent Fast to Fit Your Goals

    In a 2020 survey, 24 percent of US adults said they had tried intermittent fasting (IF) for weight loss, making it the most popular “diet” in the US. Judging by the countless headlines on fasting we’ve seen in more recent years, it’s safe to say that percentage has risen. In addition to being...
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    Can You Sleep Your Way to a Slimmer Physique? Science Says Yes

    Avoiding weight gain often requires that you get enough sleep to stay alert all day to keep your diet in check, especially during those late-night boxset sessions, but what if there was a way to put yourself and the likelihood of overindulging to bed at the same time? Well, get comfy, because...
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    Here’s Why 8 Hours of Sleep Is Critical for Athletes (and Everyone Else)

    Whether you’re an elite athlete reaching for that next personal record, or like most of us who are simply trying to stay a little more focused in our day jobs, there’s a good chance that you’re doing your best to achieve that, except for perhaps the most critical element—getting enough sleep...
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    When and How Long Should You Fast For (and Does Age Matter)?

    As science continues to investigate the role that fasting plays on healing our bodies and balancing our bodyweight, it seems ever more likely that putting a timed restriction on our calorie intake has the potential to lower blood pressure and protect us against the aging process. But, with so...
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    For National Sleep Day, Hit the Hay Better with These ‘Sleep Doctor’ Tips

    We’ve all read that getting adequate amounts of shut eye is essential to our wellbeing, and yet hitting the sack at a reasonable time can be one of the hardest habits for most of us to maintain. Of course, long working hours, stressful times, and busy family lives all contribute to late nights...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    10 Signs It's Time To Get Back In The Gym

    Did your rest day turn into a rest week or month? Sometimes life happens and the plan that you had to hit the gym five days a week gets crushed. It happens to everyone. What matters is that you find your way back, even if it's been a while. Here are 10 warning signs that you may have been away...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    11 High Protein Meals You Can Cook in a Crock Pot

    If you are busy professional or student and find it difficult to cook high quality meals, let me reintroduce you to the crock pot. You know, that thing your mother and grandmother used to cook with every once in a while. A crock pot (or slow cooker) is a great way to automate the cooking...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    The Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting

    The Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting written by JAMES CLEAR HEALTHY EATING STRENGTH TRAINING Ihave been intermittent fasting for over one year. I skip breakfast each day and eat two meals, the first around 1pm and the second around 8pm. Then, I fast for 16 hours until I start eating...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Science Says Sleep Helps Keep High-Calorie Cravings in Check

    A lack of sleep could cause more than exhaustion: It might also affect the number on the scale. Several studies have linked sleep deprivation to weight gain. One study found women who slept fewer than six hours per night were at much higher risk for gaining significant amounts of weight than...
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    Winning Strategy: OCR Star Ryan Atkins’ Relaxation Methods Are ‘Sew’ Awesome

    For an athlete who’s ascended heights the size of Mount Everest, why would it sound crazy that OCR superstar Ryan Atkins finds relaxation in sewing himself a comfortable sleeping bag? Atkins is one of the world’s best OCR athletes on the planet. He’s the reigning Spartan Ultra World Champion...
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    62-Year-Old Former Marine Sets New Plank World Record

    The abdominal plank is a staple in plenty of fitness regimens, but it's safe to say most people aren't exactly thrilled when a trainer calls for it during bootcamp class. Just a minute or two of planking will get the average gym goer's core feeling like it's on fire, so it's impossible to...