All bottled water products are not created equal. Many consumers are unaware of the significant differences in quality and production standards. Too often, flashy marketing campaigns and misleading labels distract from subpar practices, presenting heavily processed or municipal tap water as...
In a world where anything that we would like to consume is seemingly “on tap,” it’s surprising to learn that as human beings, some of us are failing bigtime as relates to staying hydrated. Fortunately, a new scientific white paper and pilot study from Lucozade Sport, conducted by Oxford...
You’re working hard in the gym; sweat is pouring down your face and you chug some water. Great idea! However, simply drinking water won’t hydrate your body properly—in fact, the combination of losing sweat and replacing it solely with water can cause you to become dehydrated and even sickly...
Athletes grow faster after training when their bodies are properly hydrated with water.
Not keeping hydrated but becoming dehydrated has a catabolic effect. This will reduce the production of anabolic hormones while increasing production of catabolic hormones after strength training.
Effect of...
As the temperatures continue to swelter during the summer, it has never been more important to understand the importance of staying well-hydrated, so M&F is diving deeper into the components of good hydration, and consulting with experts to learn more about the effectiveness of some of the...
With heatwave frequency on the rise, it is more important than ever for people to understand the dangers of dehydration and properly hydrate your body. The National Climate Assessment estimates that there will 20 to 30 more days above 90°F by mid-century. This, combined with our existing daily...
Even if you only jog the occasional few miles, you've likely heard about marathoners carb-loading the night before a long run or race. But pasta isn't the only food that can help you run well, and it's not just endurance athletes who benefit from proper fueling. What you eat before your run—as...