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    Mobility Training Tips To Maximize Movement and Strength

    I didn’t realize how much mobility training mattered until it was too late. I was standing over a heavily loaded barbell, ready to tackle a Sumo deadlift, thinking I had all my bases covered. But as I bent down, my lower back rounded because my hips lacked the mobility to hinge properly, and as...
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    Medical Experts Explain What May Be Causing Your ‘Popping’ Joints

    Sometimes, our bodies produce sounds that catch us off guard, leaving us wondering if we should be concerned or simply shrug it off. Knees and elbows, in particular, seem to have a knack for making themselves heard, leading many of us to question whether these popping joints are a sign of...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Athletes who use sumac protect their muscles and joints

    Athletes who use sumac protect their muscles and joints The day before yesterday we wrote about an in vitro study in which an extract of sumac killed cancer cells by accelerating their aging. Sumak, a spice of berry from the Rhus coriaria tree, may also be interesting for athletes, according to...