It seems like every time we write about Larry Wheels it has to do with him exhibiting other-worldly strength — and this is no different. In one of his latest Instagram posts, Wheels posted an astonishing 900-pound squat that almost made every vein in his neck and face protrude.
That looked...
Larry Wheels is never one to back down from a challenge, especially when it comes to powerlifting. This is, after all, the guy who founded a company called Personal Record and holds the all-time record for a total at a single meet with 2,370 pounds (beating the prior record by just 0.1 pounds)...
Larry Wheels has made a name for himself by lifting impressive amounts of weight, and not always in the form of iron plates. The professional Strongman once easily lifted bodybuilder Zac Perna, and recently he upped the ante by curling not one, but two living, breathing humans.
In the video...
For how many personal records Larry “Wheels” Williams sets week after week, you’d think we’d be used to it by now. Then he goes and presses 675 fucking pounds over his chest like it was a broomstick.
What’s also amazing is that his elbows can flare out like that at the top without that...