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    Study Shows ‘Guy Ropes’ Muscles are Essential for Epic Lifts

    Scientists from one of England’s top sporting universities brought Eddie Hall into the lab to try and figure out how one of the world’s strongest men is able to lift such heavy weights and as a result, they made a surprising discovery that may lead to game changing new training plans for...
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    An 8-Week Clean & Jerk Program For Helping Develop Explosive Power

    This is the Clean & Jerk Workout Program you’ve been eyeing—a straightforward, impactful plan to elevate your performance in this Olympic move. The Olympics are right around the corner, and you’ve got the itch. Whether you’re a newcomer to the sport, aiming to enhance your lifts for CrossFit, or...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10/20/Life: The Professional’s Guide To Getting Strong

    Build strength beyond your wildest dreams with Brian Carroll's best-selling training book 10/20/Life. I’m not a “fitness personality.” I don’t want anything to do with that crap. I want to make people stronger and get my information out there for people to learn the right way to train, but I’m...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons Why Your Squats Suck

    Referring to the “big lifts”—the squat, bench press, and deadlift—is a Catch-22 for anyone writing about them. Telling people, in article after article, that a solid program has to use these lifts as a foundation is somewhat played out at this point, yet the reality of the situation is that if...