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    Ms. Olympia Champions Andrea Shaw and Lenda Murray

    As a photographer, I started concentrating on female bodybuilders right from the time they began competing. The sport continued to evolve rapidly, and in 1989, a photographer friend of mine told me about a young woman named Lenda Murray, who had just won the IFBB North American championships. I...
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    Ms. Olympia Andrea Shaw Left ‘No Doubt’ She Was All In to Win in 2020

    Bodybuilding and physique shows are all about the muscle and how the body looks, but there is a big mental aspect as well. Don’t believe me? Ask reigning Ms. Olympia Andrea Shaw, and she will validate that statement. In fact, she spoke with Isabelle Turrell on this week’s episode of the “Fit...
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    ‘Fit Body Fusion’ Leader Jami Debernard Defies Many Fitness Myths

    The phrase “age is just a number” gets used a lot, but it has been proven to be true in many instances. If you need evidence, look no further than Jami Debernard. She works as a coach, but she has competed onstage at the highest level. She not only turned pro at 40 years old, but she competed at...
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    How to stay safe

    SHUT UP AND LIFT!! But posting this anyways Now that gyms are starting to open back up, it’s tempting to go back. However, just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean you should. So before you...