
  1. V

    What is Retatrutide and Does it Drop More Fat Than Ozempic?

    Drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic contain semaglutide, and were originally conceived to reduce the effects of type 2 diabetes, but because the weight loss effects of these jabs are so sought after, many people are using them to tackle obesity. Now, a new drug, Retatrutide is being hailed as the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Built And Lean: Is Diet Really More Important?

    In the fitness game there are many myths that have persisted for decades. Myths like you must perform high reps to get cut. Myths like you must exercise excessively and then eat like a bird to get lean. Myths like carbohydrates are evil. Even myths like performing a high number of abdominal...
  3. A

    Gen-Z Not Ready to Eat Lab-Grown Meat, New Study Suggests

    Gen-Z, defined as the generation born between 1995 to 2012, will undoubtedly be one of the more environmental and health-conscious generations ever, and their values will have an impact on the market. Already, companies are having to adapt to more green technologies to appease the 2 billion...
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    Plant Protein Linked to Lower Risk of Death, Study Finds

    If you’re a regular reader of this site, then you probably get more than enough protein in your diet — which is great. High protein intake is essential not only for those who want bigger muscles or a leaner physique, but anyone who’s looking to live a healthier life. But odds are you’re...
  5. J

    1 in 5 Men Would Give Up Sex for a Year for the Perfect Beard

    miami beach forever / Shutterstock A lot of trends fall out of style and don’t ever come back (R.I.P. wide-leg jeans), but it looks like beards have made a solid comeback. So solid, in fact, that a recent survey found that one in five men would be willing to give up sex for an entire year if it...