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    Add these Plyometric Exercises to Help Increase Explosiveness and Power

    Plyometric exercises are explosive moves (like jumping) that allow the body to gain power, strength, speed, and fast reaction time. Athletes and those dedicated to increasing their muscular power (amongst other athletic gains) utilize plyometric training as a way to level up their athleticism...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Plyometric Training

    Power Up With Plyometric Training By Andy G Improve conditioning, increase muscle development and propel your physique to new heights! While these moves may seem better suited for the playground, they're actually beneficial to those of us a few years beyond playtime. These explosive...
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    Use Box Jumps to Start Your Plyometric Workout

    For the fitness enthusiast, it’s a great time to be alive. We’re at the peak of the industry’s information age, with purportedly new training techniques cropping up everywhere we look. this is good. What’s not so good, however, is when people take these techniques into the gym and use them the...
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    You Can Do This Plyometric Leg Workout from Emily Skye Practically Anywhere

    Plyometric exercises are amazing for improving agility, but jumping around isn't everyone's favorite. If you're someone who sees plyo exercises as a necessary evil, rest assured, there are ways to make them more palatable. For one, you can skip the gym and take your workout outside to fresh air...