
  1. E

    New Year, New You: Unlock Your Potential with These Five Precision Nutrition Strategies

    It’s time for a new year, which means it’s time for a new batch of health-focused resolutions. Wait, though: Before you protest that resolutions never work out, you should know that they sometimes do. And according to one academic study, the secret to getting more mileage out of your resolutions...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Guide to Portion Sizes

    We’ve all been there: after enjoying a quick snack, we check the nutrition label only to learn we’ve just eaten two, three or even four servings when we thought we were having one. Our food industry tends to double, triple or even supersize servings and restaurants are notorious for putting way...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    6 Ways Restaurants Could Be Killing Your Diet (and How to Change It)

    When it comes to losing weight, it starts with diet. But it’s not about depriving yourself of all that is good in this world; it’s about making smart choices, educating yourself and watching portion sizes. Arming yourself with a strong foundation means you have the flexibility to make the best...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    4 Tips For Keeping a More Accurate Food Journal

    Whether you want to lose weight or maintain, a food journal is an effective tool because it makes you more aware of what you’re eating. After tracking your intake for a few days, patterns emerge from your eating choices that can help you identify pitfalls in your nutrition habits. Starting a...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    7 Portion-Size Mistakes You’re Probably Making

    Choosing high-quality whole foods is a key component of successful weight loss and overall health. But portion sizes — how much you’re eating — are equally important and can be easy to get wrong. In fact, we often overdo it on foods that sound healthful (i.e., acai bowls) without considering the...