The dreaded hamstring strain usually strikes at the worst time. Personally, I’ve lost count of the number of times my hamstrings have told me, “Not today.” It wasn’t too long ago when I strained my hamstring jumping into a pool with my sons. It can happen at any time, and for me, embarrassingly...
Life is full of obstacles on the path to being physically active. As author Ryan Holiday highlights in his book, The Obstacle is the Way, often the problem presents a novel and valuable opportunity to succeed. This partly requires an attitude shift and partly the willingness to look at the...
Give your shoulders the boulder treatment by correcting these 9 common mistakes that keep a lot of builders from gaining bigger shoulders.
Do you want wide, meaty, broad shoulders but have failed at every attempt? Do you chalk it up to bad genetics or a lack of the newest piece of gym equipment...
There is nothing worse than a weightlifter with big muscles and terrible posture.
We’ve all seen them. You know who I’m talking about.
You may even be one of them, standing in the gym with a stringer tank top and massive front delts pulling your shoulders forward. I’m not just talking about...
Do you want wide, meaty, broad shoulders but have failed at every attempt? Do you chalk it up to bad genetics or a lack of the newest piece of gym equipment? Have you tried everything in the book when it comes to shoulder training without an ounce of new muscle to show for it?
Well, it may not...
It wasn't that long ago that I loaded 700 pounds on the barbell and prepared to quickly dismantle the deadlift. It was not to be: My grip gave out at knee level. My training partner, Paul Leonard, laughed and said, "You're finally strong enough to have a grip problem."
He was right. It's great...