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    New Review Reveals the Harmful Effects of Ultra-processed Foods

    A new comprehensive meta-analysis of health outcomes for those who eat ultra-processed foods (UPF’s) has provided the strongest link yet between consumption and a long list of harmful health effects, making grim reading for fast food fans. The review, using data from almost 10 million people...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Is Sport Food Junk or Does it Enhance Performance?

    It seems like an easy choice: If you want to perform well, grab some sport food to fuel your training. Sport foods are bars, drinks, meals and gels specifically designed and packaged to provide energy and nutrients to a working body. Unfortunately, there are many foods on the market that simply...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Snack?

    Snacking can be a simple and effective way to promote weight loss and muscle growth — if done smartly. Unlike processed options (found in many vending machines), a healthy whole foods-based snack helps regulate blood sugar, sustains your metabolism, elevates mood and provides important...
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    Tips For Avoiding Processed Meat and Choosing Healthier Options

    It’s no shocker when new studies surface about potential health risks associated with eating processed meat. After all, the link between processed meats and diseases such as cancer has made headlines for years. If you find yourself asking, “What is processed meat and what makes it so...