The humble dumbbell lateral side raise is a move that is loved for its ability to gain muscle mass but often feared for its potential wearing effects on the shoulder. If you want to get the best from this left, the detail is in the digits says popular fitness coach, Jeff Nippard.
If you have...
Law enforcement officers’ risk their lives daily to protect and serve the communities they cherish. Whether responding to emergencies, conducting routine traffic stops, or patrolling in cars and motorcycles, officers often face unforeseen dangers. The story of Officer Kevin Bereta is a powerful...
Not to pin one exercise against another, but when it comes to building a 6-pack, (while protecting your back), the captain’s chair remains dominant.
“Also called a Roman Chair, the captain chair is a piece of equipment you’ll see standing against a wall somewhere in most gyms,” says Michael...
Many exercises strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back as a unit, but one exercise often gets overlooked: the glutestring ham raise.
The beauty of the glute hamstring raise, aka glute ham raise or GHR, lies in isometric glute contraction and the controlled eccentric muscle...
Some lifters write off exercises as ineffective because they don’t see the benefits or could be doing them better. Lateral raises fall into both categories because let’s be honest they maybe performing lateral raise mistakes. You all know that to get popping delts and bolder shoulders, a heavy...
Seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger hasn’t competed onstage since 1980, but the namesake of the Arnold Classic is still as relevant in the sport as he’s ever been. That’s because he has stayed connected to fitness, even while he was a top box-office draw and governor of California...
Compound pulling and pushing movements like overhead presses and rowing variations are essential when you want big, strong, and muscular delts. These moves will add size and strength to your delts so that you can look great in those form-fitting shirts. But these compound moves predominantly...
Want to build the ultimate "X" frame physique? This 10 week muscle building upper/lower workout program can help you accomplish just that. Check it out!
Main Goal
Build Muscle
Workout Type
Training Level
Program Duration10 weeks
Days Per Week
Time Per...
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this over the years. I understand it — people are well-intentioned and I believe they mean that they will actually try. But my response is always the same: “Let’s be real. No, you won’t.”
I don’t say that out of arrogance or thinking that nobody else...
Confidently going sleeveless isn’t just about the arms. The shoulders have to look right too. Big and round delts complete the look that all athletes and fitness minded people desire. That’s why Frank Sepe and Don Saladino offered this high-volume session for your next shoulder day.
Even though high frequency training isn’t a new concept when it comes to conditioning, it’s a whole other story when it comes to muscle-building. Traditional bodybuilding programs often have you training each body part once per week with a high volume of sets. Body-specific training and long...
If you are looking for that extra edge to help you hit the beach with confidence this summer, Chris Hemsworth has assembled a super team to bring you the latest program from his Centr app.
Designed alongside his personal trainer, Luke Zocchi, and demonstrated by his stuntman, Bobby Holland...
If you think your leg day was brutal, try doing what “Mad Scientist” Chris Duffin accomplished over the weekend.
The online strength coach and powerlifter managed to squat 1,000 pounds—i.e. the weight of some adult horses—not once, but twice. As of about two weeks ago, according to his...
Ian Spanier / M+F Magazine
As important as great shoulders are to a beautiful physique, the workouts that craft them can be pretty mundane. Just like the monotony of a pre-contest diet—“Chicken breast, rice, and vegetables, again?”—advice on training delts has always revolved around seated...
James Michelfelder / M+F Magazine
If we had a dollar for every well-intentioned person who’s centered his or her fat-burning efforts around low- to moderate-intensity cardio sessions, we could make Fort Knox our summer retreat. This “I’m trying to lose weight, so I’m just doing cardio” attitude...