
  1. 01dragonslayer

    L-Citrulline helps you hold on to muscle mass during a weight-loss diet

    If you take a hefty portion of the amino acid L-citrulline just before going to sleep at night, it might help you to maintain muscle mass even though you're on a low-cal diet and are aiming to lose fat. At least, it might do so if you react in the same way as the rats did that researchers at the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    More testosterone and less estradiol in coffee drinkers

    More testosterone and less estradiol in coffee drinkers People who drink a few cups of coffee a day have more testosterone and less estradiol in their blood than coffee abstainers. Epidemiologists from Harvard University write this in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A noteworthy...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Athletes who use sumac protect their muscles and joints

    Athletes who use sumac protect their muscles and joints The day before yesterday we wrote about an in vitro study in which an extract of sumac killed cancer cells by accelerating their aging. Sumak, a spice of berry from the Rhus coriaria tree, may also be interesting for athletes, according to...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Even If You Have A High BMI, Keep Lifting. It Works!

    Can overweight people build muscle the same way leaner people do? Or does body weight somehow prevent hypertrophy? Those were the questions a study by a group of British researchers set out to answer recently. The results are good news for people with a high BMI who are wondering if strength...
  5. A

    Researchers Fear COVID-19 Lockdowns May Make the World Fatter

    Most people who read this website on a regular basis have been spending their time in quarantine wisely by picking up some home gym equipment, switching to bodyweight or resistance band routines, or simply just eating healthy while many gyms and fitness studios around the country remain closed...
  6. A

    Researchers Looking into Whether Keto Diets can Treat Covid-19

    As the rush to develop a Covid-19 vaccine continues, people are still looking for ways to protect themselves from the deadly coronavirus pandemic (you know, besides wearing a mask and practicing social distancing). One new study points to a popular eating regimen as a possible way to reduce the...
  7. J

    This Supplement May Repair Your Reproductive System

    Yurchanka Siarhei It seems as if almost everything we encounter causes fertility damage these days, from the sugary foods we eat to the phones we carry in our pocket. One of the biggest culprits is bisphenol A, commonly referred to as BPA, a synesthetic compound used in plastic water bottles...
  8. J

    Researchers Find a Cure for Man's Mysterious Orgasm Allergy

    Hugo Felix Most articles concerning men and orgasms have to do with curbing it—staving off the Big O to extend pleasure, or so their female partners can climax first. One 25-year-old man avoided them for a very different, and unfortunate reason: He was allergic to his own orgasms, according to...
  9. J

    Your Walking Speed Can Tell You How Fast You're Aging

    If your stride has slowed down in your forties, you may be aging faster than you realize. That's the result of a new study, which found that your walking speed at age 45 can be an indicator of your physical and neurological aging. While previous research has already found a link between an...