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    Researchers Found Rinsing Your Mouth With This Can Improve Your Workout

    Those who are constantly looking for ways to improve their lifting game will be interested to learn of a recently published study that has determined rinsing the mouth with a carbohydrate solution prior to resistance exercise could provide a boost to your gym regime. Here’s what you need to...
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    Elevate You Dumbbell Pullover Performance With This Simple Trick

    The dumbbell pullover is one of those multipurpose exercises that can be a great addition to any chest or back workouts. However, no matter which body part you’re focusing on, there’s a trick to add a little extra spice to this exercise, and all it takes is a looped resistance band. That is...
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    These 3 Resistance Band Dumbbell Exercises will Help Build Strength

    Your body doesn’t know what type of exercise you’re doing you’re performing a dumbbell exercises , a resistance band exercises, or even a dumbbell resistance band exercises. All it knows is that it feels resistance, and it has to overcome it. To add muscle and strength, progressive overload is...
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    Trainer Danny Saltos Shares 3 Band Workouts You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime

    Sometimes small things pack a surprising punch. And that pretty much sums up resistance band workouts. The color-coded, portable equipment used to be the most undervalued tool in the gym, often reserved for a physical therapist or the older crowd. That is not the case today. Resistance bands...
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    Try These 3 Resistance Band Exercises To Help Improve Your Deadlift

    The biggest disadvantage with banded exercises is after a certain point, they stop getting you stronger. They only come so thick and stretch so far before the possibility of breaking. A breaking band might seem funny in a workout fail video, but when it’s coming at you — not so much. But when...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Trap Exercises You've Never Tried

    Tap into your trap muscle's growth potential by learning about the different fibers the muscle is composed of and the best exercise to hit those fibers. Everyone knows how to train their traps. All you have to do is shrugs right? But, if just doing standard shrugs worked, then why do so few...
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    These Top 3 Barbell Resistance Band Exercises Will Improve Your Big 3 Lifts

    The biggest knock-on resistance band is after a certain point they will not get you stronger. But resistance bands are a versatile tool as you can train your muscles in multiple planes of motion for better muscle development. The real magic with bands is when you add them to free-weight tools to...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Glutathione for Building Muscle Mass and Strength

    The goal of retaining lean muscle mass and strength should not be limited to avid gym gurus. While exercise enthusiasts may be motivated by appearance and physique, everyone should be interested in retaining muscle mass as a means of preserving long term health. Research increasingly shows that...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Gaining Weight The Healthy Way!

    There are many reasons why a person may require weight gain due to being underweight. Genetics may play a major part in keeping a person lean. Some medical conditions may alter the way food is digested or have an effect on a person’s food intake. So the first port of call for any underweight...
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    Break Away from The Barbell with These 3 Resistance Band Workouts

    A major advantage of training with resistance bands is they don’t rely on gravity for resistance, so you can perform a variety of exercises at different angles to challenge your muscle in all different directions for total muscle development. Plus, incorporating band workouts into your routine...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    The anabolics effect water plays for strength training

    Athletes grow faster after training when their bodies are properly hydrated with water. Not keeping hydrated but becoming dehydrated has a catabolic effect. This will reduce the production of anabolic hormones while increasing production of catabolic hormones after strength training. Effect of...
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    This Bodyweight and Band Workout will Blast Your Core and Upper Body

    It might seem as though it’s not possible to get a solid workout with just a band, but building a stronger physique doesn’t always require heavy dumbbells or a gym membership. Your band workout will be as intense as you want it to be. This is where incorporating body-weight moves...
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    Military Monday: Build Bigger Arms with this Workout from Hard to Kill Fitness

    Marine Corps vet Aaron Marks designed a brutal leg day workout in a previous Military Monday installment. Now, Marks has targeted your arms. The below routine combines a tried-and-true supersets, high volume, and a varied selection of biceps and triceps exercises to deliver a huge pump and a...
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    10 Bodyweight Moves to Grow Your Biceps

    Building bulging biceps without dumbbells or barbells seems like a lot of work unless you’re willing to do pullups, pullups, and more pullups. It’s true that when it comes to biceps the path of least resistance comes from using, well, more resistance. But for those times when you’re without...