
  1. W

    American Couch Potato Syndrome?

    A recent study has found that nearly half of Americans sit for too many hours a day and don’t get any exercise at all, as it appears the USA is turning into a sedentary couch potato nation. Over 5,900 American adults were surveyed, and the findings showed that nearly 26% sat for more than 8...
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    This Quick (and Sorta Subtle) Workout at the Office Can Help Your Health

    Living an anti-sitting lifestyle is difficult and sometimes you cannot get away from work or have no time to train before or after work due to early mornings, late nights, or a lack of energy. You go straight from the car to the office chair, back to the car, and home to bed or the couch...
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    Can an Office Bike Be Your Solution to Hours Behind Your Desk?

    Those of us who are anchored to our desks for umpteen hours each day know that a sedentary lifestyle plays havoc with our health and fitness goals. Sure, you should schedule regular breaks and take time out to go for a walk or visit the gym, but there’s always the possibility of an unwelcome...