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    The 4 Best Warmups For Sprinting You May Not Be Performing

    A proper warmup is an essential part of any exercise program. When it comes to performing warmups for sprinting, it’s non-negotiable—and for good reason. Running full speed on cold muscles, or muscles that aren’t properly warmed up is a recipe for disaster and a fast way to tear a hamstring...
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    Top Tips for Improving Your 40-Yard Dash Time

    Recognized as one of the most well-known sprints (and test of speed and acceleration), in the world is the 40-yard dash. It is a true measure of how quickly an athlete can explode off of the line and reach top speed. “It may not seem immediately evident, but the 40-yard dash is one of the most...
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    These 3 Sprint Workouts Will Help Blast Fat and Build Athletic Power

    Sprinting isn’t just for Usain Bolt-type Olympic athletes, the same way jumping rope isn’t solely for Floyd Mayweather’s pre-fight warmup; Running all-out is for anyone looking to build overall conditioning. Sprinting can help boost lung power, increase speed, accelerate fat loss, and increasing...