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    Understanding Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and How To Use It

    Step counting and calorie tracking, step aside—there’s a new metric on the block that everyone’s obsessing over: heart rate variability (HRV). But despite its rising popularity, many of us might be misinterpreting what HRV truly represents and how it should be used. According to Marco Altini...
  2. E

    Understanding the Link Between Physical Exercise and Improved Mental Health

    The past few years have taken a toll on the mental health of millions around the world. Whether it’s dealing with pandemic fallout or fears of a recession, stress and anxiety seem especially high these days. With that increase in worry, individuals are searching for help. People spend millions...
  3. J

    8 Simple Tips You Can Do Today to Help Manage Your Stress Level

    If you’ve been slammed at work, eating all the wrong foods at your desk, and trying to figure out where the next window of time for your next gym session is coming from, then you probably didn’t notice that April is “Stress Awareness Month.” Fortunately, you don’t need to get extra tense for...
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    Looking to Reduce Stress? Brazilian Jiujitsu May Be the Workout You Need

    When looking to relieve stress and anxiety, activities like yoga, running, or any other leisurely workouts may first come to mind. Probably missing on most people’s stress-relief short list is learning how to calmly fight their way out of a rear naked choke hold. If you’re unfamiliar with...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    5 Proven Ashwagandha Benefits That Can Improve Your Training

    Ashwagandha is growing in popularity and for good reason. In this article, you'll learn why it's beneficial for athletes and how it can improve your training. Ashwagandha has become extremely popular, because it’s one of the most effective supplements that has ever existed. Clear evidence...
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    Here’s The Neuroscience Behind Resetting Your Post-Easter Fitness Goals

    Easter is a time of the year when many of us get to take a few days off work and spend some important time with family and friends but, with a relaxed schedule, it is also a time when we tend to indulge in too much food and drink. For a lot of people, the Easter break is the final blow to an...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    19 Potential Benefits of Glutathione + Side Effects

    Glutathione, often referred to as “the mother of all antioxidants,” is one of the most talked-about supplements in the healthcare industry. It has a range of purported benefits that include enhancing heart, liver, and brain health. Read on to learn about the science behind glutathione and how to...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Why Glutathione is the Most Popular Supplement for Athletes

    Why Glutathione is the Most Popular Supplement for Athletes Physical exertion and endurance activities can add unique challenges to having optimal nutrition. Achieving this through diet alone can be difficult, which is why supplemental infusions are often essential. The most popular supplement...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    TUDCA and the Liver

    Useful compound for reducing liver stress on cycle. A post in the r/PEDs quick question thread prompted this article, where a long distance runner, not currently on cycle, was seeking advice about improving liver values on a blood test so they could donate blood (and save lives like a goddamn...
  10. 01dragonslayer


    WHY EVERY ATHLETE SHOULD USE TUDCA PART 2 SUPPLEMENTS Normally, athletes ingest TUDCA simply for those liver benefits it possesses, but little credit is ever given to its interactions with skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and glucose metabolism. One of my more favorite TUDCA studies actually...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    11 Reasons You're Not Getting Stronger

    Ever have one of those days where nothing seems to go right? You spill your shaker bottle mixing pre-workout, rip your boxers while warming up, and your attempt at a new deadlift max leaves the bar stapled to the floor. Not to mention, your gym is expecting you to pull some big numbers while...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Are You Losing Muscle Because Of Cortisol?

    Ever wondered why all those hours in the gym is failing to bring you results? Well it’s probably got something to do with Cortisol and after reading this article you should have an understanding of exactly what this hormone does and what you can do to minimise its negative effects. What is...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    The Ultimate Guide to Ashwagandha: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects

    What is Ashwagandha? Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb from Ayurveda (an ancient branch of Indian herbal medicine) that is extremely effective at helping the body cope with anxiety and stress. Traditionally, ashwagandha has been prescribed to help revitalize the immune system after illness...
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    Here Are Some Possible Triggers (and Solutions) to Your Inflammation

    Inflammation has been a buzzword for quite some time now, and headlines link it to all sorts of health complications. But what is it? Where does it come from and how can we keep it at bay? And if you regularly follow health news you most likely see stories about which foods may cause or reduce...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    The Ultimate Guide to Ashwagandha: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects

    What is Ashwagandha? Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb from Ayurveda (an ancient branch of Indian herbal medicine) that is extremely effective at helping the body cope with anxiety and stress. Traditionally, ashwagandha has been prescribed to help revitalize the immune system after illness...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    The Theory of Cumulative Stress: How to Recover When Stress Builds Up

    The Theory of Cumulative Stress: How to Recover When Stress Builds Up written by JAMES CLEAR STRENGTH TRAINING It was my first year of graduate school and my professor was standing at the front of the room. He was telling our class about a mistake he made years before. About a decade earlier, my...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    The Big Connection Between Stress and Weight Gain

    When it comes to your weight and fitness goals, maybe you’re crushing it in the kitchen and the gym. Your macros are a thing of beauty, your cardio and strength mix is consistent and individualized — but when it comes to results, you’re not getting the traction you want. What gives? There could...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    9 Smart Ways to Combat Stress Eating

    Imagine you’re overloaded at work, dealing with family drama or in the middle of a major home renovation. It’s times like these when stress eating strikes and, eventually, it can ruin hard-earned weight loss or healthy eating progress. While that sleeve of cookies, jar of peanut butter or bag of...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    5 Tips For Getting Out of a Weight-Loss Plateau

    No matter how hard you’ve been working to lose weight, it’s common to hit a plateau or lose motivation. When this happens, first, remember not to beat yourself up. You’ve likely come a long way already and now it’s time to take a step back and refocus. Here, five tips to help you restart your...
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    Yes, Stress Does Cause Your Hair to Turn Gray Faster

    Ivonne Wierink CNN anchor Anderson Cooper once likened getting gray hairs at a young age to premature ejaculation: “You know it can happen prematurely, but when it actually does, it's a total shock.” Cooper has proudly rocked his salt-and-pepper locks since he was about 20. But let’s face it...