The global strongman community has lifted up one of its biggest stars in recent days after England’s strongest man, Kane “The Hurrikane” Francis suffered a brutal injury while training for the log press event.
Francis, 32, was attempting to press a weight equivalent to 380 pounds (172kg) above...
It’s one of the situations no one wants to be in—getting a hernia from lifting weights or being athletic is a horrible experience, requiring surgical repair. It’s a long road to recovery—one that’s trustworthy as long as you stick to the process and take your time through it. As far as...
Cedric McMillan was unable to compete at the 2020 Mr. Olympia contest this past December due to suffering numerous injuries as a result of a bicycle accident. Among those injuries were a broken collarbone, hip, and ankle. He also suffered dislocated fingers in one of his hands.
The 2017 Arnold...
If the name Kirill Tereshin sounds familiar to you, it's probably because the Russian "bodybuilder" and self-proclaimed "synthol freak," known for his massive artificial biceps, recently made headlines for getting destroyed in an MMA bout against a fellow internet star and getting knocked down...
Eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman is a legendary figure in the bodybuilding community, but unfortunately he’s been suffering from a variety of ailments over the last decade. We wrote about his recovery from back surgery in September of last year, which was his tenth operation overall, and...