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    Top 3 Effective Squat Variations For Building Leg Muscles

    As we learned in part 1 of this series, the squat pattern can take on many identities, and the best version is the best version to suit your comfort levels, body type, and individual goals. Depending on the skill level of the individual, the training effect that can be received from squat...
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    10 Best Lat Pulldown Variations To Strengthen Your Back Muscles

    You know what is not the only thing that will give you wings, so will lat pulldowns. Here, we are diving into the ten best lat pulldown variations to add muscle and strength to this visually appealing muscle. Whether you’re a gym newbie or a seasoned lifter, these variations target your...
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    Lock In Your Romanian Deadlift By Fixing These 4 Mistakes

    Have you ever wondered why they call it the Romanian deadlift? It looks similar to the straight-leg deadlift but with a better name. Well, here’s why. It’s called the Romanian deadlift, or RDL for short, because it’s named after the Romanian weightlifter Nicu Vlad, an Olympic medalist in the...
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    3 Variations Of The Front Squat You Should Try

    Barbell back squats are arguably the king of all leg exercises, with the barbell front squat close behind. Back squats are part of the powerlifting big 3, but the front squat and the various front squat variations, although less load, is used because of the reduced stability; they have better...
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    Strengthen Your Core with These 4 Pallof Press Variations

    Way back in 2006, physical therapist John Pallof came up with what is known as the Pallof press. This move dynamically trains anti-rotation, anti-low back extension, and posterior pelvic tilt. Not everyone is onboard with the benefits of the Pallof, but sometimes people miss the subtleties of...
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    These 4 Mistakes May Be Halting Your Back Gains When It Comes to Rows

    If you’ve been around the lifting game for a while, you have heard the term, “you need to row to grow.” Rowing, whether a vertical or horizontal pull, helps build a thick upper back, giving you that much-desired wingspan. But vanity is not all the back is good for because a strong and muscular...
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    These 5 Plank Variations will Give You Next-Level Core Strength

    Many lifters need to work on building core strength the right way. They think all those fancy exercises on social media work wonders until they try them. Plus, some sit all working day with a rounded back and then put themselves through more flexion by crunching like a madman. But do you know...
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    These Tips for Dips will Help Pump Your Arms—and Not Hurt Your Shoulders

    Considering the triceps muscle makes up two-thirds of your upper arm mass, it’s no secret that triceps-focused exercises like certain dip variations should dominate arm day. Triceps dips (or bodyweight dips) are a classic, tried-and-tested exercise known for not only adding strength and size to...
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    These 3 Lateral Raise Variations Will Add Plenty of Pop to Your Delts

    Compound pulling and pushing movements like overhead presses and rowing variations are essential when you want big, strong, and muscular delts. These moves will add size and strength to your delts so that you can look great in those form-fitting shirts. But these compound moves predominantly...
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    3 Killer Side Plank Variations to Build Your Obliques

    Solidify your core strength and build sturdier obliques by adding these 3 side planking variations into your core workout routines. Read on to learn more. You probably guessed there was another one of these coming sometime in February. If you remember from my last article on the subject, I had...
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    Up Your Bentover Row Game with These 3 Variations

    The barbell bentover row is the mack daddy of all the rowing variations. It strengthens your upper and lower back, shoulders, biceps, forearms, and grip. Plus, being in the hip-hinge position under load for time improves your lower and upper back endurance. Guess what that’s good for? You...
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    Try the Drag Curl When You Want to Make Major Gains to Your Guns Routine

    Arm day way of life for most of us. Most new lifters only know a few exercises — and the barbell and the most popular one is this staple and its multitude of variations. One variation that is often left out cold is the drag curl. Why? Because it’s hard. The drag curl unlike a lot of other...
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    These 3 Unique Split Squat Variations will Help Create Bigger Quads

    The split squat is an exercise most lifters love to hate. With the reduced base of support, using less weight than the bilateral versions and the discomfort and soreness it gives you, it’s easy to dislike. Split squat and the various split squat variations fall under those things you don’t want...
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    These Four Pullup Variations Will Help Build Size and Strength

    Chinups and pullups remain some of the the best performance indicators of your relative body strength, plus they build serious upper body strength and muscle. They also build the upper back strength necessary for keeping a neutral spine while squatting and deadlifting. And let’s not forget...
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    5 Things to Know About Genes and Your Health

    The human body is composed of approximately 50 trillion cells, where the chromosomes are found in the cell nuclei. These are made up of a double helix of DNA that carries the genetic code, our architectural plan. This plan consists of approximately 3.2 billion letters per person, of which 1% is...