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    The 10 Best Ways to Boost Your Fiber Intake

    While most fitness-minded guys obsess about protein, we ignore fiber—at our peril. Eating enough roughage is incredibly important. There is little to debate about that, despite what the hardcore carnivore crowd will tell you. In a recent and comprehensive Lancet study of previous research...
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    Looking to take up water skiing? Here’s an Expert’s advice on Getting Started

    Water skiing is the ultimate summertime sport. The adrenaline rush of gliding on top of the water as a boat filled with your closest friends and family cheer you on (even when you fall in) is what keeps people coming back for more. The thrill and feeling of self-accomplishment (along with a...
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    Not hydrating enough? Drink it in with this innovative solution

    In a world where anything that we would like to consume is seemingly “on tap,” it’s surprising to learn that as human beings, some of us are failing bigtime as relates to staying hydrated. Fortunately, a new scientific white paper and pilot study from Lucozade Sport, conducted by Oxford...
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    How to Stand-Up Paddleboard Like a Water Warrior

    Stand up paddleboard (Also known as SUP), is a summer activity many look forward to. It’s a time to play out on the water and explore the outdoors – not to mention, it’s a serious full-body workout. However, you probably won’t realize you’re getting a head-to-toe workout due to the excitement...
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    When It Comes to Hydration, Be Aware of Maintaining These Important Elements

    You’re working hard in the gym; sweat is pouring down your face and you chug some water. Great idea! However, simply drinking water won’t hydrate your body properly—in fact, the combination of losing sweat and replacing it solely with water can cause you to become dehydrated and even sickly...
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    Laird Hamilton Keeps Shredding—and Stays Shredded—at Age 58

    At 58 years old, most people would be thinking about their retirement plans. For Laird Hamilton, there is no other way to live than to continue dabbling with the edge. Mention his name to anyone in the world of surfing, action water sports and training and there’s sure to be a smile that comes...
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    DM M&F: Lauralie Chapados Shares Her Secrets for Tighter Abs

    Lauralie Chapados has had an incredible 2022 season thus far. After winning both the Bikini International and Pittsburgh Pro, the native of Canada is considered by many to be the No. 1 contender to Jennifer Dorie at the 2022 Bikini Olympia this December in Las Vegas. Because of her success...
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    Need a morning Preworkout Kickstart? Try These Cold Brew Coffee Options

    Utilizing coffee as a pre-workout supplement is nothing new — it’s been a morning ritual for generations. However, a simple coffee preparation — in this case, cold brew coffee — has changed the game for coffee lovers (and athletes) globally. Steadily gaining popularity in recent years because...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Take Cold Showers for a Week

    Shake off a bad mood with frigid water. Get your energy and motivation up instantly. Make Your Next Shower Cold This sounds like an exercise in unnecessary suffering, but it gets easier and the benefits outweigh the first 30 seconds of hell. Plus there are some tricks that make it more...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Keep Your Diet On Track - Nutrition Tips

    Keep Your Diet On Track - Labor Day Nutrition Tips Holidays can bring out the best in us all. It’s a time where we are off from work (hopefully) and we get to surround ourselves with our friends, family, and loved ones. We get to relax, laugh, and unwind from our normal daily grind. It’s also a...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    6 Things You're Doing To Kill Your Metabolism

    6 Things You're Doing To Kill Your Metabolism Do you go through your day wondering what you are doing to kill your metabolism? Probably not, right? Well, maybe you should. There are a number of things you could be doing that are causing your weight gain or lack of weight loss results. In this...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding Contest Prep - The 3 Biggest Mistakes

    Bodybuilding Contest Prep - 3 Biggest Mistakes Contest Prep Mistake #1 - Time You must give yourself enough of the above. Most people underestimate how long it takes to get in competition/photoshoot shape. I was about 8 weeks out in the first photo and already pretty lean. As a general rule, if...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Overnight Oats: The Best Post-Workout Nutrition Solution

    It’s no surprise, you work lots of long hours. You're up before the sun rises and still working long after it sets. But yet, even in spite of all of that, you somehow find a way to fit in your workouts during the week. Whether it be a crossfit WOD, insane circuit, or maybe just lots of heavy...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    The anabolics effect water plays for strength training

    Athletes grow faster after training when their bodies are properly hydrated with water. Not keeping hydrated but becoming dehydrated has a catabolic effect. This will reduce the production of anabolic hormones while increasing production of catabolic hormones after strength training. Effect of...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Hydration - Are You Doing It Right?

    Hydration is something that gets talked about a lot, especially in those who are interested in improving their health. When most people are talking about hydration or giving advice on hydration, you may often hear things like: “make sure you’re getting enough fluids”, or “make sure you drink...
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    Know What to Add and What to Avoid When Choosing Your Hydration Drinks

    As the temperatures continue to swelter during the summer, it has never been more important to understand the importance of staying well-hydrated, so M&F is diving deeper into the components of good hydration, and consulting with experts to learn more about the effectiveness of some of the...
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    Swim Like an Olympian with These Pool Workout Tips for Beginners

    How many times have you walked past your gym’s pool and almost worked up the nerve to step outside of your typical cardio routine? To give up the comforts of the horrible gym soundtrack or being able to shuffle through your own playlist and text messages while breaking a sweat for the seclusion...
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    Prepare Fluidly to Avoid Dehydration By Being Aware of These Subtle Signs

    With heatwave frequency on the rise, it is more important than ever for people to understand the dangers of dehydration and properly hydrate your body. The National Climate Assessment estimates that there will 20 to 30 more days above 90°F by mid-century. This, combined with our existing daily...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    10 Tips to Look Good All Year Long

    If you are anything like me, you want to look good all year long. There are no few weeks where you want to look great, and then accept looking fat the rest of the year, nada. You want to look jacked all the time. If you had to take your shirt off then you could at any given time and feel proud...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Why Your Weight Fluctuates

    If you are a fan of weighing yourself every day, you probably see the number on the scale change every time you step on it from day to day. Maybe you did actually lose or gain, but more likely, your weight is reflective of something less impactful; simple fluctuations in your daily life. If you...