
  1. V

    Here’s How to Best Prepare Yourself for Cold Weather Running

    Is it ever too cold to go running? According to Reebok’s head of fitness Maillard Howell, definitely no. But that doesn’t mean you can just lace up your shoes and hit the pavement when temperatures drop. Cold-weather running requires a solid warm-up, suitable apparel, and gear, and as hard as...
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    Prepare for Winter Workouts with These Cold Weather Training Tips

    With the long, hot summer of 2022 quickly turning to a crisp and fresh autumn, many of us are re-thinking our training plan and wondering how to stay consistent in the cold. If you are asking yourself if training in colder climates is OK or questioning whether being of mature age may increase...
  3. FREAK

    Shit ass weather

    Damn from hi 80's to low 60's in a few days, pick a range and stay there!