
  1. V

    7 Healthiest Breads You Can Find At Any Grocery Store

    Despite all the anti-carb rhetoric out there, most people still love their bread. So much so that consumption in the U.S. totals over 6 billion kilograms.. Man, that is a lot of bread being used for lunch sandwiches and breakfast toast. So, yes, this crusty, deliciously starchy food group is...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The Case for Full-Fat Dairy

    Choose the right sources and dairy is not only healthy, it's also a muscle-building powerhouse. Most of us aren't big fans of conventional dairy due to poor production, poor quality, loss of important fatty acids, and maybe even high estrogen content. But here's something you may not know...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10 Of The Worst Foods To Eat If You're Looking To Get Shredded

    The secret to getting shredded is to reduce total calories and cut added sugars while keeping the total volume of food that you consume relatively the same. You accomplish this by eating whole fruits and vegetables and lean, quality proteins. Aside from the obvious junk foods that sabotage your...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    HIT Training, Food, and Dbol! Major Gains on a Budget

    Yesterday I went and trained at the gym. My routine took me about 25 minutes and here is what I did; 1 set of leg extensions, 1 set of squats, 1 set of close grip pull-ups, 1 set of lateral raises, 1 set of machine shoulder press, 1 set of barbell curls, 1 set of high row machine (hammer...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Guide to Fiber

    Fiber is essential for a healthy digestive tract even though it’s the structural part of plant foods that our bodies can’t even absorb. That said, most of us fall short of the daily recommendations and miss out on the important benefits. WHAT IS FIBER? Fiber is a form of carbohydrate found in...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Smart Carb Swaps From Breakfast to Dinner

    I’ve been that athlete sitting quietly on the sidelines eating whole-grain sourdough toast with almond butter while the nutrition world chatters about low-carb diets — and I’m not afraid to admit it. After years of working with athletes to design recipes and menus to fuel their sport at every...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    10 Things to Know Before Trying a Gluten-Free Diet

    It seems we all know someone who has gone gluten free. And while some have a medical condition and need to avoid gluten, others claim the diet has cleared away brain fog, boosted energy or helped them lose weight. However, the research to back up these claims is thin, if anything, so before you...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    10 Things to Know Before Trying the Paleo Diet

    While you may never want to live like a caveman (Who regularly lives in fear of animal attacks?), many people aim to eat like one and follow the Paleo diet. The gist is you only eat what cavemen did, which to proponents means no grains, legumes, dairy or sugar and lots of meat, coconut...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

    Anyone working on losing weight and creating healthy habits can tell you it takes time, dedication and patience. It also takes knowledge about what does and doesn’t work for you individually, which is often discovered through a process of trial and error. However, registered dietitians often...
  10. V

    Take the Effort Out of Meal Prep

    FOOD! REAL WHOLE FOOD, we crave it, it fuels us, helps us heal and repair, and powers us through strenuous activity. We prepare it, meal plan with it, socialize with friends over it, and bring families together with it. If you make great food choices, you can achieve your physique goals, hit...
  11. J

    Does Corn Make You Fat?

    What would go through your head if someone set a nice cob of sweet yellow corn in front of you? Lately it seems people are more reluctant than eager to take a bite. In fact, I'm hearing more people say they're avoiding corn altogether because they think it will lead to weight gain. Some are...