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    When is The Right Age to Start Training Your Kids?

    Strength training has a host of benefits for both adults and children ranging from stronger bones and muscles to better mental and emotional health. So, it makes sense that many parents look to get their kids involved in some sort of exercise program, including lighting weights. “It’s important...
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    Add these Plyometric Exercises to Help Increase Explosiveness and Power

    Plyometric exercises are explosive moves (like jumping) that allow the body to gain power, strength, speed, and fast reaction time. Athletes and those dedicated to increasing their muscular power (amongst other athletic gains) utilize plyometric training as a way to level up their athleticism...
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    These Tips for Dips will Help Pump Your Arms—and Not Hurt Your Shoulders

    Considering the triceps muscle makes up two-thirds of your upper arm mass, it’s no secret that triceps-focused exercises like certain dip variations should dominate arm day. Triceps dips (or bodyweight dips) are a classic, tried-and-tested exercise known for not only adding strength and size to...