- Jacked Cash
- 538,355
The Army Combat Fitness Test is a new fitness test for Army personnel that will be implemented in October 2020. Do this program to pass it with flying colors.
The test consists of 2 minutes of push-ups, sit-ups and 2-mile run. This test was introduced to the Army in 1980. In 2018, the Army decided to make a change.
The Army recently tested 2,000 soldiers on The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). Taking effect in October of 2020, the ACFT is designed to reduce musculoskeletal injuries and provide leaders with a tough, realistic, field-expedient assessment of the physical component of their soldiers' individual readiness.
There will be six events:
1. Strength Deadlift: With a proposed weight range of 120 to 420 pounds, the deadlift portion of the ACFT will require soldiers to perform a three-repetition maximum deadlift.
2. Standing Power Throw: Soldiers will toss a 10-pound ball backward as far as possible to test muscular explosive power that may be needed to lift themselves or a fellow soldier up over an obstacle or while moving rapidly across uneven terrain.
3. Hand-Release Pushups: In this event, soldiers start in the prone position and do a traditional pushup, but when at the down position they release their hands and arms from contact with the ground before resetting to do another pushup. This allows for additional upper body muscles to be challenged.
4. Sprint/Drag/Carry: As they dash 25 meters five times up and down a lane, soldiers will perform sprints, drag a sled weighing 90 pounds, and then hand-carry two 40-pound kettlebell weights. This can simulate pulling a battle buddy out of harm's way, moving quickly to take cover, or carrying ammunition to a fighting position or vehicle.
5. Leg Tuck: Similar to a pullup, Soldiers lift their legs up and down to touch their knees/thighs to their elbows as many times as they can. This exercise strengthens the core muscles since it doubles the amount of force required compared to a traditional sit-up.
6. 2-mile Run: Same event as on the current test. In the ACFT, run scores are expected to be a bit slower due to all of the other strenuous activity.
Editor's Note: Make sure you’re doing all the right things you need to be doing to build lean muscle mass. For those looking for a more in-depth resource to teach them how to build muscle, we’ve created a FREE 5 day Muscle Building Email Course.
The course will teach you how your body builds muscle, how to utilize workout plans on our website to maximize muscle growth, how to eat to build muscle, how to supplement to build muscle and how to track your progress.
Sign up below today to learn and ensure you get the most out of this workout program.
Need help building muscle? Take our FREE 5-part email Muscle Building Course!
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Workout 2 is all about conditioning and core work that will also help your 2 mile run time all while burning fat in the process.
Workout 3 is more strength-training oriented and includes a challenging barbell complex along with more conditioning work.
Workout 4 is all about endurance. Due to the length of the ACFT, you have to get used to maintaining your energy for longer periods. On this day, you will run a mile followed by a bodyweight cardio movement for 1 min repeated 4 times.
Workout 5 is strictly an upper body workout. This workout is included as part of the program to help you shape your muscles to give you that ripped look.
Workout 6 is the final workout of the week and it’s all about legs. This leg workout is an absolute killer.
You don’t have to be in the Army to do this program. It was designed for anybody willing to take on a challenge and transform their physique.
These workouts will take you to the next level, trust me and give it try.
And if you’re not training for that test, this program will still get you great results in 8 weeks.
Whether you are in the military, law enforcement, an athlete or a civilian this program can help take your fitness levels to new heights.
- Main Goal
Build Muscle - Workout Type
Split - Training Level
Beginner - Program Duration8 weeks
- Days Per Week
6 - Time Per Workout60-90 minutes
- Equipment Required
Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, Machines - Target GenderMale & Female
- Recommended Supps
Whey Protein
Multivitamin - Workout PDFDownload Workout
Workout Description
The old Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) was designed to test the muscular strength, endurance, and cardiovascular respiratory fitness of soldiers in the United States Army.The test consists of 2 minutes of push-ups, sit-ups and 2-mile run. This test was introduced to the Army in 1980. In 2018, the Army decided to make a change.
The Army recently tested 2,000 soldiers on The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). Taking effect in October of 2020, the ACFT is designed to reduce musculoskeletal injuries and provide leaders with a tough, realistic, field-expedient assessment of the physical component of their soldiers' individual readiness.
There will be six events:
1. Strength Deadlift: With a proposed weight range of 120 to 420 pounds, the deadlift portion of the ACFT will require soldiers to perform a three-repetition maximum deadlift.
2. Standing Power Throw: Soldiers will toss a 10-pound ball backward as far as possible to test muscular explosive power that may be needed to lift themselves or a fellow soldier up over an obstacle or while moving rapidly across uneven terrain.
3. Hand-Release Pushups: In this event, soldiers start in the prone position and do a traditional pushup, but when at the down position they release their hands and arms from contact with the ground before resetting to do another pushup. This allows for additional upper body muscles to be challenged.
4. Sprint/Drag/Carry: As they dash 25 meters five times up and down a lane, soldiers will perform sprints, drag a sled weighing 90 pounds, and then hand-carry two 40-pound kettlebell weights. This can simulate pulling a battle buddy out of harm's way, moving quickly to take cover, or carrying ammunition to a fighting position or vehicle.
5. Leg Tuck: Similar to a pullup, Soldiers lift their legs up and down to touch their knees/thighs to their elbows as many times as they can. This exercise strengthens the core muscles since it doubles the amount of force required compared to a traditional sit-up.
6. 2-mile Run: Same event as on the current test. In the ACFT, run scores are expected to be a bit slower due to all of the other strenuous activity.
Editor's Note: Make sure you’re doing all the right things you need to be doing to build lean muscle mass. For those looking for a more in-depth resource to teach them how to build muscle, we’ve created a FREE 5 day Muscle Building Email Course.
The course will teach you how your body builds muscle, how to utilize workout plans on our website to maximize muscle growth, how to eat to build muscle, how to supplement to build muscle and how to track your progress.
Sign up below today to learn and ensure you get the most out of this workout program.
Need help building muscle? Take our FREE 5-part email Muscle Building Course!
Take Free Course
Getting Started with Training for the ACFT
Workout 1 is designed to help strengthen the muscles used for each event on the ACFT in giant set form with little rest. This workout will also work the entire body.Workout 2 is all about conditioning and core work that will also help your 2 mile run time all while burning fat in the process.
Workout 3 is more strength-training oriented and includes a challenging barbell complex along with more conditioning work.
Workout 4 is all about endurance. Due to the length of the ACFT, you have to get used to maintaining your energy for longer periods. On this day, you will run a mile followed by a bodyweight cardio movement for 1 min repeated 4 times.
Workout 5 is strictly an upper body workout. This workout is included as part of the program to help you shape your muscles to give you that ripped look.
Workout 6 is the final workout of the week and it’s all about legs. This leg workout is an absolute killer.
What will happen?
This workout program will help you be successful on the Army Combat Fitness Test, but will also help you become functionally fit.You don’t have to be in the Army to do this program. It was designed for anybody willing to take on a challenge and transform their physique.
These workouts will take you to the next level, trust me and give it try.
Workout 1: Total Body
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
A1. Sumo Squats | 3-4 | 12 |
A2. Lunge Jumps | 3-4 | 12 Each |
A3. Forward Lunge | 3-4 | 12 Each |
B1. Weighted Jump Squats | 3-4 | 12 |
B2. Push Press | 3-4 | 12 |
B3. Tuck Jumps | 3-4 | 12 |
C1. Dumbbell Floor Press | 3-4 | 10 |
C2. Incline Barbell Press | 3-4 | 10 |
C3. 8-Count Push Up | 3-4 | 8 |
C4. Oblique Push Up | 3-4 | 6-8 |
D1. Stiff Leg Deadlift | 3-4 | 12 |
D2. Bent Over Rows | 3-4 | 12 |
D3. Sprint | 3-4 | 1 Min |
E1. Straight Leg Hold | 3-4 | 30 Secs |
E2. Tuck-Ins | 3-4 | 30 Secs |
E3. Alt Grip Pull Ups | 3-4 | 6-8 Each |
2 Mile Run | - | Timed |
Workout 2: Core & Conditioning
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
1 Mile Jog | - | Warm Up |
A1. Walk | 10 | 30 Secs |
A2. Jog | 10 | 1 Min |
A3. Sprint | 10 | 30 Secs |
B1. Plank | 10 | 30 Secs |
B2. Plank Left Foot Raises | 10 | 30 Secs |
B3. Plank Right Foot Raises | 10 | 30 Secs |
B4. Plank Left Arm Raised | 10 | 30 Secs |
B5. Plank Right Arm Raised | 10 | 30 Secs |
B6. Plank | 10 | 30 Secs |
Workout 3: Total Body
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
A1. Stiff Leg Deadlift | 6 | 10 |
A2. Bent Over Row | 6 | 10 |
A3. Front Squats | 6 | 10 |
A4. Push Press | 6 | 10 |
B1. Renegade Row/Push Up/Tuck Jump | 4 | 10 |
B2. Plank Jacks/In-Outs | 4 | 10 |
C1. Wall Sits w/ Dumbbell Curl 21s | 4 | 21s |
C2. Diamond Push Ups | 4 | 10 |
Workout 4: Endurance Training
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
1 Mile Run | - | - |
Wide Pikes | 1 | 1 Min |
1 Mile Run | - | - |
Plank to Squats | 1 | 1 Min |
1 Mile Run | - | - |
Burpees (without jump) | 1 | 1 Min |
1 Mile Run | - | - |
Burpees | 1 | 1 Min |
Workout 5: Upper Body Shred
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
A1. Incline Machine Press | 4 | 8 |
A2. Dumbbell Curls | 4 | 8-12 |
A3. Push Ups | 4 | Failure |
A4. Hammer Curls | 4 | 12-15 |
B1. Lateral Raise | 4 | 10 |
B2. 1 Arm Cable Tricep Pulldown | 4 | 10 |
B3. Front Raises | 4 | 10 |
B4. 1 Arm Cable Overhead Extension | 4 | 10 |
C1. Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown | 4 | 10 |
C2. Sit Ups | 4 | 30 |
C3. 1 Arm Dumbbell Row | 4 | 8 |
C4. Ab Wheel | 4 | 10 |
D1. Chin Ups | 3 | 10 |
D2. Dips | 3 | 10 |
D3. Shoulder Press | 3 | 10 |
D4. Cross Body Curl | 3 | 10 Each |
D5. Tricep Dips | 3 | 10 |
D6. Toes to Bar | 3 | 10 |
E1. Jump Rope | 10 | 1 Min |
E2. X Jumps | 10 | 30 Secs |
E3. Jump Squats | 10 | 25 |
Workout 6: Leg Workout
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
Squats | - | 5 Minutes |
A1. Elevated Leg Extension | 10 Mins | 10 |
A2. Split Squat Jumps | - | 10 |
A3. Calf Raises | - | 30 |
Leg Extensions | 4 | 25 |
Stiff Leg Deadlift | 4 | 25 |
B1. Farmer's Walk | 15 Min | 50 Meters |
B2. Jump Squats | - | 15 |
B3. Farmer's Walk | - | 50 Meters |
B4. Lunge Jumps | - | 15 |
Last Note
You can take the ACFT before start the program and at the end to see how much improvement you made.And if you’re not training for that test, this program will still get you great results in 8 weeks.
Whether you are in the military, law enforcement, an athlete or a civilian this program can help take your fitness levels to new heights.