Growing up begging for food in the streets of Brazil and almost losing her life to drugs and alcohol, Lucia Malavaze never lost her spirit. Bodybuilding saved her life. A kind soul saw potential in her and pulled Lucia from a miserable life.
Lucia understands more than most what it means for someone to help you, especially when they don’t have to. With what seemed like endless struggles, she kept a smile on her face and continued to give back, knowing that one day blessings would find her…..and now, that day has come. Brought to you by FitDoc Productions!
Success stories
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Lucia understands more than most what it means for someone to help you, especially when they don’t have to. With what seemed like endless struggles, she kept a smile on her face and continued to give back, knowing that one day blessings would find her…..and now, that day has come. Brought to you by FitDoc Productions!

Success stories
Behind the Stage: A Bodybuilding Journey Logan Fra...
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