Fitness Icon Bill Phillips: ‘Protect Yourself … Get Vaccinated ASAP’



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The opinions expressed are those solely of the author.

Bill Phillips is a 56-year-old fitness entrepreneur and author who has been in the industry since the late ‘90s when he launched EAS Nutrition. His book, Body-for-LIFE reached No. 1 on The New York Times bestsellers list. He’s worked with two Super Bowl championship teams, carried the Olympic Torch during its relay in Salt Lake City in 2002, and granted more than 500 Make-a-Wish requests for ill children.

So, yeah, Phillips is a stud who has seemingly spent decades of his life prioritizing his health and fitness and doing his best to be one of the good guys in the fitness industry.

And this is what the Delta variant of COVID-19 has done to him:

The Delta variant was first discovered in India in December and is now the predominant strain of COVID-19. A study from the U.K. found that children and adults under 50 were roughly 2.5 times more likely to become infected with Delta. Those who have been vaccinated can still become infected by the virus but fare far better than those who haven’t gotten vaccinated.

On June 25, Bill’s wife Maria rushed him to the ER after he became infected with coronavirus for the second time, explaining on Facebook:

When we arrived, Bill’s oxygen levels were at 52%. … The doctor then tried a BiPAP machine, but the nonstop coughing made it impossible for Bill’s oxygen numbers to stay within range. … he was either going to die on the table or we could try to intubate him. … he was put in a medically induced coma. He was sedated, then paralyzed, and then I stood in the corner as I watched the intubation happen within a minute.

On July 12, Maria posted another FB update:

If you are not vaccinated please consider that it’s time to protect yourself and your family from an immeasurable amount of pain and trauma.

This photo is from July 12th. This is what Covid can do. If Bill Phillips can be put on a ventilator for a month, lose 60 pounds of muscle, and have to use all his energy and will to fight for his life, it can happen to anyone.

Bill walked a few steps today, for the first time in 45 days. He is still in the ICU and making progress each day. We have a long road ahead and are so grateful for the opportunity to heal.

Bill Phillips is an example that without a vaccination COVID-19 can pummel even the strongest and most health-conscious among us. To date, Bill has lost 50 pounds of muscle and continues to struggle to walk. He is finally recovering and posted an update and a warning on his Facebook page:

sure, you may survive this Covid virus, but rebuilding your life from the ground up is the part no one talks about. My decision to not get vaccinated nearly cost my life. Don’t make the same mistake I did, protect yourself and your family and get vaccinated ASAP.

The COVID-19 Delta variant is more contagious than the original strain that ruined 2020 and has killed more than 620,000 people in the U.S. Lately, COVID has again been ravaging communities with high rates of unvaccinated people.

Here are more troubling stats:

Other states seeing a spike in infections and hospitalizations: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Nevada. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that roughly 59.2% of all Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine and 50.4% are fully vaccinated.

These are facts, not opinions or a political stance, or an attempt to belittle people experiencing vaccine hesitancy. And the fact is, had Bill been vaccinated there is a high probability that this awful and heart-wrenching situation could have been avoided, or at the very least, far less severe.

If you’re someone who is dedicated to training hard, eating a balanced and nutrient-dense diet, and prioritizing health and wellness but has remained unvaccinated, I felt Bill’s experience might be worth knowing.

For those still on the fence about getting vaccinated from COVID-19:

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Find a COVID-19 vaccine location near you

For anyone who’d like to send Bill a card or a note:

Bill Phillips
P.O. Box 19160
Golden, Colorado 80402​


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We take a firsthand look at those who have had the virus.

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