Sleigh Your Fitness Goals with this HIIT Christmas Workout



Christmas is the time of year when it is officially ok to slow down, spend time with friends and family, and maybe indulge in some great food and drink, but it doesn’t have to be a complete disaster for your fitness levels. If you find yourself snowed in, or just enjoy having a lie in, you may not want to venture out to the gym, but you can still stay festive and fit, with this super simple HIIT Christmas Workout from fitness trainer, Natalie Wilson.

“I post workouts for every fitness level, so that you can do them from home or at the gym,” says Wilson, who is 33 and lives in Utah. “I like to share that exercise doesn’t need to be complicated or intimidating. My goal is to help others see that fitness should be viewed as a blessing instead of a chore. I want others to understand that the benefits of exercise, both physically and mentally, are almost endless!” Wilson’s positivity and great workout content is infectious and with around 125,000 followers on her Instagram account joining in with the good cheer, who can argue with her approach? “Picking workouts that you enjoy is key!” says Wilson. “I like to share that you don’t need to be miserable during your workouts. Experiment with different workouts to discover what you love, like this fun Christmas circuit.”

Travis Richardson

The beauty of this HIIT Christmas workout is that minimal equipment is required. If you don’t have a kettlebell, reach for Santa’s gift bag, or use a pack of sugar. “The holiday season can be stressful and exercise can help you manage that stress,” shares Wilson, whose ideal Christmas involves spending time at home with her husband and three children. “I prioritize my workouts during the holidays even if my workout is a simple walk on the treadmill or a quick 20-minute HIIT workout at home. Make the time to move your body during the holidays and your stress level will decrease, making you feel better both physically and mentally. Living a balanced life is very important and something I promote a lot. It’s okay to indulge a little and be present with your family and loved ones during Christmas. You can just hop right back on track once Christmas is over, but you can still move a little during the break.”

Members of Wilson’s fitness classes know that she is seriously qualified, having a bachelors degree in exercise science, and an ACE certificate in Group Fitness, but her workouts are exciting and energetic. “I post these workouts because I want people to see that fitness results and, the overall benefit of exercise, is possible to achieve at home. You don’t need a gym membership to exercise. Even if you are limited in space or equipment at home, it is still possible to stay active and be fit in a fun way.” What’s not to like about enjoying your Christmas without completely jumping off of your fitness regime? So, what would Natalie

Wilson like for Santa to deliver this year? “It’s interesting, the older you get, and especially when you become a parent, the Christmas gift that you want the most is to see the excitement and joy on your children’s faces as they open their presents on Christmas day,” she shares. “That, to me, is everything! But, if I were to ask Santa for anything, I’d never say no to new workout clothes or shoes! You can never have too many shoes right?”

Natalie Wilson’s HIIT Christmas Workout​

Instructions: Repeat 3, 4, or as many times as you can. Rest for 20 seconds between each exercise.

Modifications: HIIT circuits like this are ideal for all fitness levels. Simply adjust the exercise times, rest times, and the number of circuits to suit you!

Workout Tip: Use an Interval Training timer app on your cell phone to count you down.

  • Kettlebell (or Jingle Bell) Swings: 45 Seconds
  • (Ice) Skaters: 45 Seconds
  • Dumbbell (or Santa’s Bag) Squat Presses: 45 Seconds
  • Side-to-side (Reindeer) Hops: 45 Seconds
  • (Sleigh Ride) Sit Throughs: 45 Seconds
  • Jumping (Star) Jacks: 45 Seconds

Follow Natalie Wilson on Instagram for more workouts.

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