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The 2020 Arnold Sports Festival saw champions crowned and world records broken in the powerlifting and Strongman spheres. But just as impressive were the feats of strength performed by women over the weekend.
On the Strongwoman stage, two powerhouses took the spotlight at Rogue Record Breakers as they broke the elephant bar deadlift world record, each lifting more than 600 pounds. First, eight-time America's Strongest Woman Kristin Rhodes loaded the bar with 616 pounds and completed a good rep.
Not to be outdone, four-time Britain's Strongest Woman Andrea Thompson threw 621 on the bar and eked out a rep.
Thompson may have snagged the record, but there are clearly no hard feelings between the two incredible athletes, as they hugged it out after Thompson's lift.
Another notable feat of strength came from someone who knows her way around a world record: Stefi Cohen. Despite not being in peak shape, the veteran powerlifter—who recently broke three world records in one day—squatted 463 pounds for her top set and repped out 225 for 30.
Considering Cohen typically weighs in at just over 120 pounds, 30 reps of 225 is an incredible feat of strength and endurance.
Check out the rest of the highlights from the 2020 Arnold Sports Festival here, and find out who won the weekend's bodybuilding competitions here.
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On the Strongwoman stage, two powerhouses took the spotlight at Rogue Record Breakers as they broke the elephant bar deadlift world record, each lifting more than 600 pounds. First, eight-time America's Strongest Woman Kristin Rhodes loaded the bar with 616 pounds and completed a good rep.
Not to be outdone, four-time Britain's Strongest Woman Andrea Thompson threw 621 on the bar and eked out a rep.
Thompson may have snagged the record, but there are clearly no hard feelings between the two incredible athletes, as they hugged it out after Thompson's lift.
Another notable feat of strength came from someone who knows her way around a world record: Stefi Cohen. Despite not being in peak shape, the veteran powerlifter—who recently broke three world records in one day—squatted 463 pounds for her top set and repped out 225 for 30.
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210kg/463lbs top set 102kg/225lbs x 30 reps . Showed up and that’s what matters. I’m not in peak shape right now, and that’s okay. I’ve learned to accept that progress is never a straight line, and sometimes it goes backwards. It’s easy to show up when things are going great, not so much when things get rough. @hybridperformancemethod
A post shared by Dr. Stefanie Cohen, DPT (@steficohen) on Mar 7, 2020 at 12:46pm PST
Considering Cohen typically weighs in at just over 120 pounds, 30 reps of 225 is an incredible feat of strength and endurance.
Check out the rest of the highlights from the 2020 Arnold Sports Festival here, and find out who won the weekend's bodybuilding competitions here.
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